Full title: ManageEngine Multiple Products Authenticated File Upload Exploit Category: remote exploits Platform: java This Metasploit module exploits a directory traversal vulnerability in ManageEngine ServiceDesk, AssetExplorer, SupportCenter and IT360 when uploading attachment files. The JSP that accepts the upload does not handle correctly '../' sequences, which can be abused to write in the file system. Authentication is needed to exploit this vulnerability, but this module will attempt to login using the default credentials for the administrator and guest accounts. Alternatively you can provide a pre-authenticated cookie or a username / password combo. For IT360 targets enter the RPORT of the ServiceDesk instance (usually 8400). All versions of ServiceDesk prior v9 build 9031 (including MSP but excluding v4), AssetExplorer, SupportCenter and IT360 (including MSP) are vulnerable. At the time of release of this module, only ServiceDesk v9 has been fixed in build 9031 and above. This Metasploit module has been been tested successfully in Windows and Linux on several versions. # 0day.today @ http://0day.today/