Full title: Qmail SMTP Bash Environment Variable Injection (Shellshock) Exploit Category: remote exploits Platform: unix This Metasploit module exploits a shellshock vulnerability on Qmail, a public domain MTA written in C that runs on Unix systems. Due to the lack of validation on the MAIL FROM field, it is possible to execute shell code on a system with a vulnerable BASH (Shellshock). This flaw works on the latest Qmail versions (qmail-1.03 and netqmail-1.06). However, in order to execute code, /bin/sh has to be linked to bash (usually default configuration) and a valid recipient must be set on the RCPT TO field (usually admin@exampledomain.com). The exploit does not work on the "qmailrocks" community version as it ensures the MAILFROM field is well-formed. # 0day.today @ http://0day.today/