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[ 0Day ]

0day.today 0Day zone - its restricted zone

In this category you find most recent and dangerous vulnerabilities such types: Remote / Local Code Execution, Local / Remote Privilege Escalation, Format string, Bypass, etc. 0day about JAVA Exploit, Adobe Exploit, Microsoft Word Exploit, new zero-day vulnerability about Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, Windows / Linux / Android / Apple Privilege Escalation and etc.

Our Pricing Plan:
  • Full Support 24/7
  • 1 year Free ReFUD
  • Easy Use
  • Compatibility

Here you can find private exploits and vulnerabilities, which the author does not want to publish them in open access.

Access to this section can get any user, who complete one of this points:
  • Make transactions [refill account / buy explot / sell exploit] in the system in an amount not less than 1000 Gold and you will get: Full Access to all sections in the site.
  • If you add gold on your account and not select exploit - we money back.
  • If you buy 2 exploit or more you have good discount and get the customer's card (future discount on any material 10%)

All users, who have access to 0Day zone - gets the following benefits:
  • After joining you GET DIRECT CONTACT WITH AUTHORS via chat inside your cabinet
  • All people who buy 0day exploit on 0day.today/0day have 3 mounth support (if exploit stop work or detect antivirus, we will be crypt/fix or replace about same exploit).
  • We sell 0day exploit only once in [0day] section.
  • We will help you set up an exploit if you are a beginner and tell the details of his work.
  • Ours 0days have no CVE - all of them is unknown for world society.
  • 0day Today support word 27/7, contact on mail: mr.inj3ct0r@gmail.com

You can start work right now. Access to this category is granted only for registered users. For beginning work you should:
  • Register on http://0day.today/reg
  • Refill your account balance for more than 1000 Gold (1$ = 1Gold). Official bills: http://0day.today/gold, we prefer Bitcoin, but use others too. If you don't see your payment system you can contact us mr.inj3ct0r@gmail.com Before sending money you can contact us in support chat (available after authorisation)
  • Send money to prefered bill and tell us by mail mr.inj3ct0r@gmail.com or in support chat.