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OSSIM v2.1.5 SQL Injection Vulnerability

Nahuel Grisolia
Security Risk Unsored
web applications
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OSSIM v2.1.5 SQL Injection Vulnerability

Advisory Name: SQL injection in OSSIM
Vulnerability Class: SQL injection
Release Date: 12-16-2009
Affected Applications: Confirmed in OSSIM 2.1.5. Other versions may also be affected.
Affected Platforms: Multiple
Local / Remote: Remote
Severity: High – CVSS: 9 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:C/I:C/A:C)
Researcher: Nahuel Grisol?a
Vendor Status: Acknowledged/Fixed. New release available (OSSIM 2.1.5-4)
Reference to Vulnerability Disclosure Policy: http://www.cybsec.com/vulnerability_policy.pdf
Vulnerability Description:
A vulnerability has been discovered in OSSIM, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct
SQL injection attacks.
Input passed via the "id_document" parameter to repository_attachment.php is not properly sanitized
before being used in a SQL query. This can be exploited to manipulate SQL queries by injecting
arbitrary SQL code.
The vulnerability is confirmed in version 2.1.5. Other versions may also be affected.
Proof of Concept:
Impact: Execute arbitrary SQL queries.
Solution: Upgrade to OSSIM 2.1.5-4
Vendor Response:
2009-12-08 – Vulnerability is identified
2009-12-09 – Vendor is contacted
2009-12-09 – Vendor confirmed vulnerability
2009-12-16 – Vendor released fixed version
2009-12-16 – Vulnerability is published

#  0day.today [2024-10-05]  #