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Ananta Gazelle SQL Injection Vulnerability

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web applications
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Ananta Gazelle SQL Injection Vulnerability

# Title:		Ananta Gazelle SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Vendor:		http://www.anantasoft.com/
# Vulnerable Version:	1.0 (Latest version till now)
# Exploitation:		Remote with browser
# Fix:			N/A

- Description:

Ananta Gazelle is a rich JavaScript enabled CMS with multiple CSS  
templates. It is written in
PHP and uses MySQL. Approximately all of the queries of this CMS are  
written without dealing
with any one of user inputs in order to avoid SQL injection (as  
described by its comments:)

- Vulnerability:

+--> SQL Injection
	The forgotten password page "forgot.php" uses hidden inputs for  
creating a query in order to set
	an activation code. This vulnerability can be used to change the  
password of anyone.

- Exploits/PoCs:

+--> Exploiting The (MySQL) SQL Injection:
	There are three affected parameters: 'table', 'activate', 'email'.
	All of them can be used for injection. For example we can change the  
password of the admin
	user to "mypass" by setting the following values:
		table="users"		(unchanged)
		activate="123', pass=md5('mypass'), activate='456"
		email="the email of the admin user"

- Solution:

Sanitize the inputs of forgot.php file and do not place the parameters  
in the hidden inputs (migrate them to the session instead).

#  0day.today [2024-11-14]  #