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idevspot Text ads 2.08 SQL Injection Vulnerability

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idevspot Text ads 2.08 SQL Injection Vulnerability

# Title:idevspot Text ads 2.08 sqli vulnerability
# Author: Sid3^effects
# Published: 2010-06-06
# price:$147
# email:shell_c99@yahoo.com
# vendor: idevspot
# url : http://www.idevspot.com/TextAds2.php
# google dork : Powered by TextAds 2.08

        ooooo  .oooooo.  oooooo   oooooo     oooo 
        `888' d8P'  `Y8b  `888.    `888.     .8' 
         888 888           `888.   .8888.   .8' 
         888 888            `888  .8'`888. .8' 
         888 888             `888.8'  `888.8'  
         888 `88b    ooo      `888'    `888' 
        o888o `Y8bood8P'       `8'      `8'    
#####################Sid3^effects aKa HaRi################################## 
#Greetz to all Andhra Hackers and ICW Memebers[Indian Cyber Warriors] 
#Thanks:*L0rd ?rusAd?r*,d4rk-blu™®,R45C4L,CR4C|< 008,M4n0j,MaYuR 
#spl shoutz:LiquidWorm,gunslinger_ :D      
#Catch us at www.andhrahackers.com or www.teamicw.in 
Description :
Increase your website revenue by selling text advertisement spots on your website. TextAds is a fully automated,
impression based text advertisement system. It includes client and administrative control panels and supports
Paypal (client) billing. Our easy installation will have most users up and running quickly. Customization is also
quite easy, even for the non-programmer. Many additional features are yours as well with TextAds, please come
check them out at our website 
Xploit :
The idevspot TextAds V2.08 suffers from sqli
Demo Url : http://idevspot.com/demo/textads_2/index.php?page=[sqli]


#  0day.today [2024-09-29]  #