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Joomla Component com_phocagallery SQL injection Vulnerability

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Joomla Component com_phocagallery SQL injection Vulnerability

0     _                   __           __       __                     1
1   /' \            __  /'__`\        /\ \__  /'__`\                   0
0  /\_, \    ___   /\_\/\_\ \ \    ___\ \ ,_\/\ \/\ \  _ ___           1
1  \/_/\ \ /' _ `\ \/\ \/_/_\_<_  /'___\ \ \/\ \ \ \ \/\`'__\          0
0     \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/\ \__/\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \ \/           1
1      \ \_\ \_\ \_\_\ \ \ \____/\ \____\\ \__\\ \____/\ \_\           0
0       \/_/\/_/\/_/\ \_\ \/___/  \/____/ \/__/ \/___/  \/_/           1
1                  \ \____/ >> Exploit database separated by exploit   0
0                   \/___/          type (local, remote, DoS, etc.)    1
1                                                                      1
0  [+] Site            : Inj3ct0r.com                                  0
1  [+] Support e-mail  : submit[at]inj3ct0r.com                        1
0                                                                      0
1                ###########################################           1
0                I'm **RoAd_KiLlEr**  member from Inj3ct0r Team         1
1                ###########################################           0

[+]Title              Joomla Phoca Gallery  Component  com_phocagallery  SQL-i Vulnerability
[+]Author          **RoAd_KiLlEr**
[+]Contact        RoAd_KiLlEr[at]Khg-Crew[dot]Ws
[+]Tested on     Win Xp Sp 2/3
[+]Version          2.7.3
[~] Founded by **RoAd_KiLlEr**
[~] Team: Albanian Hacking Crew
[~] Contact: RoAd_KiLlEr[at]Khg-Crew[dot]Ws 
[~] Home: http://a-h-crew.net    
[~] Download App:http://joomlacode.org/gf/download/frsrelease/12532/52585/com_phocagallery_v2.7.3.zip
[~] Vendor: http://www.phoca.cz
==========ExPl0iT3d by **RoAd_KiLlEr**==========

Phoca Gallery is a Joomla! gallery - image gallery for Joomla! CMS. It includes component, modules and plugins and allows users to display images or Youtube videos in many different styles.

[+] Dork: inurl:"com_phocagallery"


[+].  SQL-i Vulnerability

[Exploit]:[SQL Injection] 

[!] Albanian Hacking Crew           
[!] **RoAd_KiLlEr**   
[!] MaiL: sukihack[at]gmail[dot]com
[!] Greetz To : Ton![w]indowS | X-n3t | b4cKd00r ~ | DarKHackeR. | The|DennY` | EaglE EyE | Lekosta | KHG | THE_1NV1S1BL3 & All Albanian/Kosova Hackers 
[!] Spec Th4nks: Inj3ct0r.com & r0073r  | indoushka from Dz-Ghost Team  | MaFFiTeRRoR | Sid3^effects | The_Exploited | And All My Friendz
[!] Red n'black i dress eagle on my chest
It's good to be an ALBANIAN
Keep my head up high for that flag I die
Im proud to be an ALBANIAN

#  0day.today [2024-12-23]  #