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Pulse Pro 1.4.3 Persistent XSS Vulnerability
============================================ Pulse Pro 1.4.3 Persistent XSS Vulnerability ============================================ # Exploit Title: Pulse Pro 1.4.3 Persistent XSS Vulnerability # Date: 24-10-2010 # Author: Th3 RDX # Software Link: http://pulsecms.com/ # Version: 1.4.3 # Tested on: Demo Site # category: webapp # Code : n/a -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= L0v3 To: R00T, R45c4l, Agent: 1c3c0ld, Big Kid, Br0wn Sug4r, Sid3^effects, L0rd CruSad3r, Sonic , r0073r(inj3ct0r.com) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= <3 Love: -[SiLeNtp0is0n]-, stRaNgEr(lucky), inX_rOot, NEO H4cK3R, DarkL00k, G00g!3 W@rr!0r, str1k3r, co0Lt04d , ATUL DWIVEDI , Jackh4xor -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INDIAN CYBER ARMY -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ############################################################################## %// ----- [ Founder ] ----- Th3 RDX ----- [ E - mail ] ----- th3rdx@gmail.com %\\ ############################################################################## ############################################################################## %// ----- [Title] ----- Pulse Pro 1.4.3 Persistent xss Vulnerability ----- [ Vendor ] ----- http://pulsecms.com/ %\\ ############################################################################## ############################################################################## %// ----- [ Bug (s) ] ----- ----- [ Persistent XSS ] ----- Proof of Concepts: ------------------ Step 1) Login into member or User Section Link: http://pulsecms/demo/login.php Step 2) Go to Blog [Manage Blog] -[XSS Bug present in following]- => New Blog Post -[XSS Code]- => '"--><script>alert(0x000872)</script> Step 3) Enter your Attack Pattern to title of blog post or source Step 4) Refresh and View your blog post on index page or post link. Note:L The XSS Also remains in admin panel %\\ ############################################################################## -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= => PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN | Anythning for INDIA | JAI-HIND | Maa Tujhe Salam => c0d3 for motherland, h4ck for motherland ==> i'm worst than a useless <== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. Bug discovered : 24 October 2010 finish(0); -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #End 0Day# # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #