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OpenSSL 1.0.1 ASN1 BIO Vulnerability

Tavis Ormandy
Security Risk High
remote exploits
Date add
OpenSSL Security Advisory [19 Apr 2012]

ASN1 BIO vulnerability (CVE-2012-2110)

A potentially exploitable vulnerability has been discovered in the OpenSSL
function asn1_d2i_read_bio.

Any application which uses BIO or FILE based functions to read untrusted DER
format data is vulnerable. Affected functions are of the form d2i_*_bio or
d2i_*_fp, for example d2i_X509_bio or d2i_PKCS12_fp.

Applications using the memory based ASN1 functions (d2i_X509, d2i_PKCS12 etc)
are not affected. In particular the SSL/TLS code of OpenSSL is *not* affected.

Applications only using the PEM routines are not affected.

S/MIME or CMS applications using the built in MIME parser SMIME_read_PKCS7 or
SMIME_read_CMS *are* affected.

The OpenSSL command line utility is also affected if used to process untrusted
data in DER format.

Note: although an application using the SSL/TLS portions of OpenSSL is not
automatically affected it might still call a function such as d2i_X509_bio on
untrusted data and be vulnerable.

Thanks to Tavis Ormandy, Google Security Team, for discovering this issue and
to Adam Langley <agl@chromium.org> for fixing it.

Affected users should upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.1a, 1.0.0i or 0.9.8v.


URL for this Security Advisory:

#  0day.today [2024-07-01]  #