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Calendar Script Easy Membership Management Application Persistent XSS Vulnerability

Viknesvaran Sittaramane
Security Risk Medium
web applications
Date add
Advisory:Calendar Script Easy Membership Management Application(E.M.M.A) Persistent XSS Vulnerability
Vendor URL: http://calendarscripts.info/emma/
Demo Link: http://demo.pimteam.net/emma/admin.php

Author: Viknesvaran Sittaramane
Category: Webapp  
Twiiter: https://twitter.com/csvsn
Product Description

E.M.M.A. Is Easy Membership Management Application

Create different subscription plans
Select subscription plan for every content
Upload protected pages, images and downloadable files
Your users can renew or upgrade their subscriptions any time
Vulnerability Description
 E.M.M.A multiple fields suffers from Persistent XSS Vulnerability


Front End of E.M.M.A :
Step1: Go to the Registration form

Registration Demo url : http://demo.pimteam.net/emma/index.php?action=register

Step2: On the fields Name, Address, Buiness name,Tel, Mob, Test Field, Association enter the malicious script then SIGN UP

Step3: Login using the registered email and password -> Go to Edit Profile -> Pop Up Appears

Step4: Persistant XSS Confirmed

Parameter used : '"--><script>alert(0x000872)</script>

Screenshot: http://i47.tinypic.com/wvve4o.png

Administrator Panel of E.M.M.A :
Demo URL for E.M.M.A Administrator Panel : http://demo.pimteam.net/emma/admin.php?1358152765

Step1: Login to E.M.M.A

Step2:Under Manage users Tab (Manage users)
a.Edit any Username and replace username with a malicious script and Save it (Same goes to Create new user)
b. A Pop up appears -> Persistent XSS

Step3:Under Manage Site Tab (Content Categories) 
a.Under name field insert a malicious script and Save it (Add Category)
b. A Pop up appears -> Persistent XSS

Step4:Under Manage Site Tab (Manage Contents->Click here to Upload Contents) 
a.Content/page title and description field insert a malicious script and Save it (Add Plan)
b. A Pop up appears -> Persistent XSS

Step5:Under Manage Site Tab (Subscription Plans) 
a.Under Plane name field insert a malicious script and Save it 
b. A Pop up appears -> Persistent XSS

Parameter used : '"--><script>alert(0x000872)</script>

#  0day.today [2024-10-06]  #