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Clipperz Password Manager Code Execution Vulnerability

Manish Tanwar
Security Risk High
web applications
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# Exploit Title   : Clipperz Password Manager remote code execution vulnerability
# Author          : Manish Kishan Tanwar  
# Vendor          : https://clipperz.is/open_source/clipperz_password_manager/ 
# Download Link   : https://codeload.github.com/clipperz/password-manager/zip/master
# Date            : 19/05/2014 
#Discovered @     : INDISHELL Lab
# Love to         : zero cool,Team indishell,Hardeep Singh
/// Overview: 
Clipperz Password Manager script is affected from remote code execution Vulnerabilities. 

// Vulnerability Description: 

there is remote code execution flaw in Clipperz Password Manager script, because it does not checking user user inputs before final processing. 

  Input passed via the "objectname" parameter to "password-manager-master/backend/php/src/setup/rpc.php" is not  properly verified before it is give to server for processing. This can be exploited to execute php code.

///  Proof of Concept: -
vulnerability arises because of following code in file rpc.php
at line number 
15.  $objectName = isset($_REQUEST['objectname']) ? $_REQUEST['objectname'] : '';

37. eval ('$instance = new '.$objectName.'();');

value in objectname parameter is not getting filter before using it at line number 37 and user input is getting eval which is causing remote code execution vulnerability.

/// example exploit  

#  0day.today [2024-10-06]  #