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ZTE 831CII Multiple Vulnerablities
# Exploit Title: ZTE 831CII Multiple Vulnerablities # Date: 11/3/2014 # Exploit Author: Paulos Yibelo # Vendor Homepage: zte.com.cn # Software Link: - # Version: - # Tested on: Windows 7 # CVE :- Hardcoded default misconfiguration - The modem comes with admin:admin user credintials. Stored XSS -ðIpAddress=ðSubnetMask=;alert%280%29;//&enblUpnp=1&enblLan2=0 Any user browsing to will have a stored xss executed! CSRF based Stored XSS -;alert%280%29;//&sysPassword=37F6E6F627B6 - letting an admin visit this link would result the admin username changed to ';alert(0);// also a stored XSS in the home page. CSRF - there is no token/capcha or even current password prompt when the admin changes the password, and creditintials are sent over GET. PoC: if an authenticated admin browses that link their credintials will become admin:yibelo UI Redressing - The modem (like most modems) does not have a clickjacking protection. thus, can be used to modify settings, override admin accounts by a simple clickjack. forexample by using it is possible into tricking an admin submit a form with our credintials (since it doesn't require current password) not using SSL - The modem does not use HTTPS, so anyone can use MiTM to sniff on going actions, possibly gain user credintials. Unrestricted privileges - anyone who is connected to the modem with Telnet or tftp is root. simply telneting and authenticating as admin:admin and typing sh and echo $USER would prove that. # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #