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ZENWorks Mobile Management 3.1.0 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability

Ludwig Stage
Security Risk Medium
web applications
Date add
Product(s): ZENWorks Mobile Management
Vendor: Novell
Affected Version(s): 3.1.0
Tested Version(s): 3.1.0
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting (CWE-79)
Risk Level: Medium
Solution Status: Open
Vendor Notification: 2015-04-21
Solution Date: 
Public Disclosure: 2015-06-12
CVE Reference: Not yet assigned
Author of Advisory: Ludwig Stage (SySS GmbH)



ZENWorks Mobile Management is a mobile device management software by
Novell supporting different kinds of mobile devices.

The vendor Novell describes the product as follows (see [1]):

"Novell ZENworks Mobile Management is a product that allows customers 
to manage and secure the full lifecycle of their mobile device
workforce, from one web services console, using similar concepts that
ZENworks customers have come to appreciate; ie, users, policies, and 
mobile apps."


Vulnerability Details:

The SySS GmbH found several reflected cross-site scripting 
vulnerabilities in the web application component of the Novell ZENWorks 
Mobile Management solution which can be exploited from different 
attacker's perspectives.

1) Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in login form

The parameters "username" and "domain" are not sanitized sufficiently
resulting in a reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability.

This reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability can be exploited in 
the context of an unauthenticated user by sending a specially crafted
HTTP POST or HTTP GET request (see PoC section).


Proof of Concept (PoC):

1.1) Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in login form using HTTP POST

The following HTTP POST request using the JavaScript code
"onfocus="alert(1) as the value for the parameter "username" demonstrates
the reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability by showing a JavaScript 
alert box:

POST /index.php HTTP/1.1
Host: <HOST>
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 29


1.2) Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in login form using HTTP GET

The following HTTP GET requests using the JavaScript code
"onfocus="alert(1) as the value for the URL parameter "username"
demonstrate the two reflected cross-site scripting vulnerabilities
by showing a JavaScript alert box.

URL: https://<HOST>/index.php?username="onfocus="alert(1)




Disclosure Timeline:

2015-04-21: Vulnerability reported to vendor
2015-04-29: Reported vulnerability again as the vendor did not reply to
to the first e-mail with the SySS security advisory
2015-06-02: Reported vulnerability again as the vendor did not reply to
to the second e-mail with the SySS security advisory
2015-06-08: Reported vulnerability again as the vendor did not reply to
to the third e-mail with the SySS security advisory
2015-06-12: Public release of security advisory according to the SySS
Responsible Disclosure Policy


[1] Product Web Site for Novell ZENWorks Mobile Management

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