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Password Safe And Repository Enterprise 7.4.4 Build 2247 Multiple Vulnerabilities

Matthias Deeg
Security Risk High
web applications
Date add
Product(s): Password Safe and Repository Enterprise
Affected Version(s): 7.4.4 Build 2247
Risk Level: High



Password Safe and Repository Enterprise is a password management
software for companies with many features.

The manufacturer MATESO GmbH describes the product as follows (see [1]):

"Manage your passwords in the company according to your security needs!
Features such as password policies, multi-eyes principle, workflow and
task system makes management productive and safe.

The integrated rights management system with data transfer option and
automatic synchronization with Active Directory ensures that your
employees can only access data which they are entitled to."

Due to a SQL injection vulnerability in the user authentication of the
offline mode, an attacker can gain unauthorized access to the
synchronized Password Safe database.


Vulnerability Details:

The SySS GmbH found a SQL injection vulnerability in the user
authentication functionality of the offline mode which can be
exploited by an unauthenticated user with access to the offline

By exploiting this SQL injection vulnerability, an attacker can gain
unauthorized access to a synchronized Password Safe database (offline
database), for example by bypassing the user authentication with a
suitable SQL attack vector (see PoC section).

In the context of the user authentication functionality in the offline
mode, the following SQL statement is used which is vulnerable to
SQL injection via the parameter user name in the WHERE clause due to
insufficient user input validation:

SELECT ID FROM tdUsers WHERE UPPER(Name) = UPPER('<USERNAME>') and LoginPassword = '<MD5 PASSWORD HASH>' and Inactive = 0 and Deleted = 0


Proof of Concept (PoC):

In order to gain unauthorized access to an offline database, the
following SQL attack vector

') or 1=1 --

can be used as user name in combination with an arbitrary password.

If a user name containing an apostrophe (') is used, the password
management software Password Safe and Repository Enterprise throws an
exception and shows a detailed error message with the failed SQL

Vulnerability Details:

The SySS GmbH found out that user passwords are stored as raw, unsalted
MD5 hash values in the table tdUsers of the databases of the password
management software Password Safe and Repository Enterprise.

The use of a cryptographic one-way hash function MD5 without using a 
salt for storing sensitive data like user passwords allows an attacker
with access to this data to perform efficient password guessing attacks
using pre-computed dictionaries, for instance rainbow tables.

The vulnerability concerning the insecure storage of user password
information as raw, unsalted MD5 hash values affects both the online and
the offline mode of the password management software.


Proof of Concept (PoC):

When using the change password functionality, the following SQL
statement is used for storing the raw, unsalted MD5 hash value of the
new login password in the database table tdUsers:

UPDATE tdUsers SET LoginPassword = 'ef2eb17e3a46818e63bf209aa58da9aa',
LastLogin = julianday('<DATE>'), LastPasswordChange = julianday('<DATE>'),
ChangeDate = julianday('<DATE>'), LastPasswords = 
'9e96559b23ad93f0b8990539331441ca' WHERE ID = 2

In this example, the password "Passw0rd2015" was set, as the following
output shows:

$ echo -n "Passw0rd2015" | md5sum
ef2eb17e3a46818e63bf209aa58da9aa  -



According to information by the MATESO GmbH, the described security
issues have been fixed in the software version that was
released on October 5, 2015.

Please contact the manufacturer for further information or support.

#  0day.today [2024-07-07]  #